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"Samuel! Hurry up!" 

Darwin's voice shook me from my trance. My eyes darted back to where the tall figure leaned against one of the brick walls. "I-its Sam, not S-S-Samuel." 

He rolled his eyes, and scoffed under his breath. "Whatever kid. Anyway, come on, you're keeping the whole group backed up."

Sam nodded, and made his way out of the dank, cold cell. Only two years ago, someone was in there. An odd feeling ran up his spine, and he turned around. Something was watching him down the hallway, as if planning something. He blinked, and it was still there. He made a small noise, almost like a whimper, and jogged back to the rest the rest of group. He had gone to this camp before, but.. never here. Honestly, they should have chosen a better place. Not some old penitentiary that's dark and moldy. But it was the last day, and they had to take them for a special 'treat'. Whatever that means. 

He silently wished that Heather was here, Darwin's girlfriend. She could calm Darwin down, and they were an amazing team. Right now she was in a different cellblock, far away from them.

Suddenly, Darwin's radio crackled to life. The voice of Amiee, Heather's best friend, came over it.

"Darwin, is Heather over there with you? I can't find her over here."

A couple kids turned their heads towards Darwin, just in time to see him start scowling.

 "She's not with you? Amiee, what the fuck?! I'm coming over to find her. I need to find her."

He bit his lip, and shuttered slightly.  

"Darwin, she's 18. She know's how to deal with stuff." He could almost see the annoyed expression on Amiee's face. "I'll radio if I see her." The radio clicked off, and Darwin growled.

'Thank god for Amiee.' He thought to himself. She was one of the only people that could talk down Darwin, or even talk back to him.

"Alright kids. We're meeting up with Amiee. Lets head back." He seemed to spit out the words. 

As they turned around, a thought hit Sam. 'Was I not.. was I not imagining those eyes? No. That couldn't be right, there was no such thing as ghosts.'  He tended to have an over-reactive imagination. He glanced behind him, now slightly paranoid. Nothing. Just bricks, dirt and the wind. Or was that wind? 

Abruptly, Darwin's radio turned on again. He snatched it up quickly, probably hoping for an update on Heather. But what came up was not helpful or calm.


He was right. He saw the eyes. Sam yelped, but his small voice was drowned out by Darwin's shouting.

"Kids. We're gonna cut this trip short. Run."

Sam couldn't breathe. The hallway seemed to become colder, time seemed to slow down for a second, and the other kid's screams became silent. Then, he was shoved.

His mind went static. Everything was on autopilot.

He could feel the hard floor underneath him, his sneakers flashing against the ground. But the walls seemed to be closing in.

Sam stopped. They we're closing in. Or.. something was. Black gloop seemed to flow from the end of the hallway. He had never seen anything like it. It was.. unnatural. Extraordinary. Demonic. Out of the gloop came... something. A black, watery, shape, with claws and white eyes. Just like the ones he saw earlier. He yelped, and tried to step back, putting his hands out in front of himself in a attempt to protect himself. But he couldn't move. The gloop seemed to try and claw him into the rest of the form, and claws rose up. Sam screeched, and tears prickled in his eyes. 

A scream of rage rocketed through the hallway, and a flash of red crossed his eyes, and his legs untangled from the gloop.

Darwin had pushed him out of the way. He picked up a rusted piece of metal, and swung it at the creature, just like the baseball bat at school. Sam tried to grab the back of his shirt, but it was too late. The black substance curled and twisted around Darwin, and the giant claws grabbed his shoulders. Sam screamed.

"Run, dumbass!!"

Darwin yelled at him, pure adrenaline rushing through his veins. He snapped out of the trance, and let out a sob. He turned around quickly, almost tripping on his own feet, and started running. Tears burned on his cheeks, and his heart hurt. Would he ever see Darwin again?

That wasn't the most of his worries right now though.

The monster was catching up with him, his mind fearing the moment he could feel the warmth on his neck, it breathing down on him. Suddenly, he caught sight of the exit. He skidded on the concrete, his elbow banging into the corner. He cried out, and made on last-ditch attempt to try and make it out the door. He felt is legs scream out in pain, and he jumped. 

He watched in slow-motion as he flew through the air, and he landed on his knees. Pain shot up his knees, and he scrambled around, twisting his body to the front of the Penitentiary.

The doors were closed. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2020 ⏰

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