Chapter 1

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"I wish I can ace my finals with the best scores." A 3rd year middle schooler prayed at one of the shrines, wishing herself good luck for the finals.

I sat in front of the student, sewing my new scarf to prepare the coming of the winter season. Once the student left the shrine, I went back inside. It is around late November in Japan right now. Getting ready to go outside, I called my only regalia to get ready as well. Inushi is the name of my regalia. He have dark blue hair and two colored eyes, in the left is a dark red colored eye, while the right is a dark orange one. And surprisingly, he was around 17 when he died.

Putting on my (f/c) scarf that I finished sewing earlier, I wait outside for Inushi to finish. Apparently I am a quite popular god in Japan, so that's why I need to attend those seminars from the heavens.

"Inushi, you finished??" I called out my turtle regalia who is very slow at preparing himself. My regalia is pretty good at his job. He never blight me in someway and is also very good at keeping his word.

"2 more minutes." Inushi yelled, now putting his shoes on. Me with a devilish smirk on my face, decided to find a way to make him go faster. "I'll count in 5 seconds. If you don't finish I'm gonna leave you." I told him.

Inushi as surprised as ever, quickened his pace on tying his shoes."5...4...3.." He moves to the other shoelaces and tries to tie it quickly. "..2..." He stood up and grab his backpack which is beside him. Now he just needs to sprint to the gate of your shrine. "...1..." He is halfway to where I am, while Im actually enjoying how he is speeding things up. "Okay bye!!" I told him, facing the other side to start walking.

Inushi on the other hand jumps to me and grabbed me to make me stop. Bad mistake. The both of us ended up falling on the ground. After pretty much a few seconds, we realized the position we were in. We quickly got up and continued walking. The atmosphere is pretty awkward around us. I checked the time in my watch. 'Still pretty early...' I thought to myself.

"Hey Inushi, do you want to go fetch some snacks first?" I asked him. Inushi with a question mark on his head, asked why. Apparently there is still 2 hours until the meeting. Suddenly Inushi's stomach growled. We both noticed and laughed. While I was laughing about my shinki's tummy, he just giggled and scratched his head, pretty embarrassed about it. In the end, we went to visit earth for food.

I went to a cafe to order some of my (f/d) while Inushi went to the donut shop next door. I also got some hot chocolate mocha for your shinki, aka his favorite drink. I smiled back at the memory where Inushi first entered the cafe.


3rd person view

Your brand new regalia just transformed back to it's human form. Few minutes ago, the both of you come across an ayakashi in the middle of the night. You guys were exhausted, so you find an opened shop. Luckily, there was a cafe nearby. Both you and inushi quickly got inside in order to not drag more ayakashis to you.

"Hey Inushi, what do you want?" You asked your regalia with a smile. He just stared at you with a confused face. "H-hot chocolate m-mocha.." he shyly exclaimed. The both of you just stared at each other, until you suddenly laughed because of your shinki's face. Then you precessed with the orders.

Once you sat down on a table, you asked Inushi some questions, which turned into a conversation after. The waitress placed down both of your orders down on the table. After thanking her, you saw your regalia sticking his tongue out, as if the hot chocolate mocha burnt him.

"Hot hot hot hot..." He quitely ranted. This just made you giggle more.

"You sure have a sensitive tongue huh."

"I-I don't know what you're talking about" He faced to the side really embarrassed.

" So do you like it?" You asked while drinking your (f/d). He slowly nodded, hinting that he wants more in the future.

Back to present

The two of you met up outside the shops. With the help of Inushi's backpack, you were able to put all the food inside. Well except for the drinks. You have to be careful in carrying them so they won't spill.

The both of you teleport back to Takamagahara. '1 hour and 7 minutes to go' you thought to yourself. You grabbed Inushi's hand and started flying up to the meeting place. There were some sofas inside so the both of you sat down on one.

"Can I have my chocolate mocha now Y/N??" Inushi whined, having a sad face since he is very hungry. You giggles while getting his beloved drink, wrapping the cup around with the given tissue.

After quite some time, you have to enter for the meeting. You waved to your shinki goodbye as you get inside the hall.

Surprisingly, you saw Bishamon going in as well. You decided to rush to get Bishamon's attention.

Your POV

"Heya Bishamon!" I waved at her excitingly as I prepared my new experiment for her. She looked behind just to see me grabbing her arm and dragging her inside.

"Y/N, when will you ever stop with those experiments of yours?" She grumpily asked me, I on the other hand opened the box filled with some stringbeens covered with pickle juice, honey and some sardine sauce. Bishamon's face looked at the box and was disgusted after a second. I grabbed my chopsticks and grabbed some stringbeens, while looking at Bishamon slowly trying to get away. I quickly grabbed her with my arm and stuff the chopsticks in her mouth. "Show me your god of war side." I smirked, looking at Bishamon's disgusted face while chewing the food inside.

"That's it, im out." She exclaimed, going back to her seat afterwards.

After an hour or so, I finally got out from the boring meeting. It was so boring that I nearly fell asleep, that is until another god woke me up. I saw Inushi still sitting on the couch while sketching out some stuff.

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