T h r e e

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The whole class Grayson was practically zoned out in his own thoughts. He decided to not pay attention knowing that all the teacher is doing is going over classroom rules. He sat there thinking to himself why Ethan and his friends hated him so much. Like what could he possibly have done to deserve such hatred toward him.

Grayson suddenly felt something hit his shoulder stealing him from his thoughts. He looked down beside him to see a folded up piece of paper and seeing jack staring at him. Grayson picked up the paper knowing it was going to be something mean, because of the way jack was looking at him he knew it must have came from them.

Grayson unfolded the paper looking down at what was on the inside. Grayson felt as tears started rushing down his face. He got up out of his seat making everyone stare and rushed out of the classroom dropping the paper along the way.

After Grayson was out of the room Ethan got up and picked up the paper to see a drawing of A dead stick figure with the labeled name Alex along with a side note that read, ur gonna end up just like ur dumbass dead brother.

Ethan was shocked. He stared at the paper with anger. "What the fuck guys! This is not fucking cool! He was my best friend don't you forget!" Ethan yelled at his friends catching the attention of everyone in the class. Ethan crumpled the paper and threw it away as he walked out of the classroom as well.

Ethan walked into the bathroom hearing cry's coming from inside one of the stalls. He pushed open the door to see Grayson sitting on the floor holding he legs as he cried. "Hey I-" Ethan started before Grayson interrupted "Just don't! Don't act like you care!" Grayson said standing up rubbing his eyes and pushed Ethan aside and walked out.

Ethan stood shocked. He deserved that. Right as Ethan started to walk out of the bathroom the bell started ringing signaling that class was dismissed.


As the end of the day came around Grayson was officially done. He was done with everything and everyone. He had never thought about killing himself as much as he was right now. He felt numb. So as soon as school ended and he rushed home he made his way into his room falling onto the floor. He pulled open the bottom drawer of his desk and reached to the back pulling out a small silver blade. He wanted to feel something, no, he needed to feel something. So he brought the blade down to his wrist and ripped across his skin. Slice. One two and three.

He dropped the blade onto the floor feeling the blood pouring out onto his arm. He started to cry again. After a moment of sitting there he reached into the drawer pulling out some bandages and wrapping his arm.

He wrapped it tight to add pressure so it would stop bleeding soon. After he pulled back down his sleeve he picked up his blade and bandages and shoved them back into his drawer.

Grayson had moved to his bed just laying there staring at the ceiling listening to the silence of the home. Graysons mom was still at work and wouldn't be home for another hour so he was alone which wasn't that different from when he was around people he always felt alone.

Just as Grayson was about to close his eyes because of how exhausted he was he heard a knock at the door.

He got up and walked down the stairs and made his way to the front door. He put his hand on the door knob pulling open the door to reveal Ethan standing in front of him.

Third chapter complete 😁😁😁!!! If you were wondering why Ethan a senior was in the same class as Grayson a sophomore it was because the classes are mixed grades lol I didn't really mention that in the chapter so I thought I should say. If you enjoyed pls vote and comment Ik this chapter could be hard to read for some ppl and if your ever going through something like this just know you matter and you are loved and don't ever forget that!

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