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Life in Class 1-B was always something whether it was your constant rivalry with 1-A or pushing forward with you heroics, it was always something fun. But for you, that fun came in the form of writing poetry. A little pompous sure, but it was your honest opinion. And if there was anyone who supported you more than your parents on your sidequest it was your close friend, and crush, Ibara Shiozaki. She was always there whenever you needed an opinion or someone just to talk to.

Currently, you were sitting outside along the front steps of UA, writing something down in your journal. You weren't doing much but sketching down ideas for something to do later in the week to write officially. You then felt a hand on your shoulder and glanced up to see Tetsutetsu smiling down at you.

(Y/N): Oh, hey Tetsutetsu.

Tetsutetsu: Hey man. How's it going with the love poems and stuff?

(Y/N): First of all, it's not that type of stuff. Second of all, it's alright. It could be better. Why do you ask? I thought you hated this type of stuff?

Tetsutetsu: Because at this point, you need to ask her man.

(Y/N): I'm not asking her. Not yet at least.

Tetsutetsu: Gez man, you've been saying that all semester. Just make the move already.

(Y/N): It's a process, Tetsutetsu.

You closed your journey and stretched a little before walking off. You silently waved bye and began the walk home for the day. You wanted to write something nice for Ibara, nothing overly flashy but enough to get her somewhat attracted to you. There wasn't much you could do or say to her face you couldn't do on paper so there was no real point in "making a move". So you got home and quickly began to continue your writing stream.

After going through some notes, you began to think about different concepts here and there about Ibara and how much you truly did care for her. There wasn't much to express, but you tried to add all possible adjectives, phrases and other ways of expressing yourself. However, for the first time in your life, you were a bit stumped on something. You truly had no idea what else there was to describe your passion for Ibara. You groaned in stress and slammed your head down onto your desk.

(Y/N): Think damn it. Come on. You write for a living! What could there be?

You grabbed your dictionary and began to scan through the various different words to try and find a good way to transmit what you wanted to say. "Smitten", "Infatuated", "Desirable". ARGH! You collapsed back down onto your desk, annoyed that you couldn't find anything at all that would help you. You slammed your head again until you slowly started to develop an idea inside your head.

(Y/N): That's a dumb idea. Maybe. I'm not sure. But, if she could...yes. That could work.

You closed your book and grabbed another thing. You went over some information for an upcoming test as you slowly started to piece together your plan for tomorrow with your poem. After review, you closed everything up and decided to hit the shake.

The following day at UA, you walked in with your head held high and saw Ibara talking with a few of her friends. You decided to lay low until she came over to you to talk. After a couple of minutes, Ibara walked over to you and smiled at you.

Ibara: Greetings, (Y/N). How are you today?

(Y/N): I am doing alright. Can't complain too much. Although, there was one thing I could use your help.

Ibara: Of course. What is it that you need?

(Y/N): Well, for me, I was writing something and-

Ibara: Writing something? (You looked at her) Oh, sorry.

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