k. one

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A sob escaped the lips of a ginger woman at the hall of St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries. A tall, blonde woman in lime-green robes spoke softly, but all Ginny Weasley could see was the emblem on her chest- a wand and a bone, crossed. All she could hear was her mother's sobs.

Molly Weasley always seemed very strong, presenting herself tall despite her plump body, and just like her hair, her personalty was fiery. She would smile a lot, and would yell a lot, but the only times her daughter's seen her look so broken was when Percy walked out. She assumed that when she feared for the lives of her family at the Quidditch's World Cup, she looked like that as well, but they came back once she calmed a bit.

"I don't think I've ever seen mum cry," Ron noted. Sawyer almost commented on the Boggart, but then she remembered she was the only one to know of the incident, as the rest were obliviated.

"Only when Percy left," Fred reminded in a ghost of his usual voice. George stood on the other side of Sawyer, and Bill was a silent ghost by his mother's side, his face pale and serious. Harry hovered in the back, unsure of how to speak with Ron. Or any of the Weasleys, if he had to be honest. He couldn't hold their hand like Saywer clutched the twins' hands like they were connected for all eternity.

Like a life-line.

He almost wanted to stay with Lee at Grimmauld at that moment. 

"Mum!" a voice called, Charlie came running towards the group, dodging a random kid that clutched his dad's robes. The death of his mother, just down the hall, flashed in Sawyer's eyes- they had thirteen more minutes with the woman. But then Charlie reached them, not even looking at his siblings.

The healer nodded towards the two eldest in the Weasley clan at that moment, and left quickly. Charlie, shock evident on his face, turned to Molly.

She shook her head, ever so slightly, before tears rolled down her face and her breaths were uneven and shallow. Bill hugged her tightly, as the Charlie stood frozen. Ginny released a sob that she's been holding for a while, and slammed her body to Ron's as she broke down in his arms. 

Ron only needed that encouragment to join the crying, and slow tears rolled down his freckled cheeks as he tried soothing his little sister with no words. He raised teary eyes to Harry, looking for some help, but found out his friend was staring at the ceiling, unshed tears trying to escape.

Arthur Weasley was a father to Harry too.

Fred and George didn't move. 

A connecting line between them was Sawyer.

Did she know? George wondered.

Could she change it? Fred attempted to breathe normally again.

Why didn't she say anything earlier?

Charlie nodded simply, and turned to scan his siblings. His eyes met Sawyer's.

He took a step towards the group, before something took over him and he strode right up to Sawyer, tearing her away from the twins by smashing his lips to hers.

It almost hurt.

She raised her hands to his cheeks, wiping the tears that rolled down slowly. "I'm sorry," she whispered again and again, but he just stayed there, as close as possible to her. "I'm so sorry, Charlie."

The blonde healer appeared again in front of the group. 

"It's rather unacceptable, but I don't think you have a lot of time, so you can all come in together to say goodbye to Arthur Weasley."


Ginny controlled her breathings when she came into the room, but the moment she saw the pale body of her father, his eyes closed and his breaths horribly shallow, she started crying again.

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