A tease levi x reader smut

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"Gahh! Finally, a break!"
You sighed in relief stretching your arms and legs kicking your boots off to get more comfortable. You were exhausted from your previous mission all you desired was to spend some time with your boyfriend.

You fell back on your boyfriends bed smiling due to the fact that for once in your life you could relax and catch your breath.

"Tch. You're seriously gonna rest on my bed with your dirty uniform. Take it off."
Levi demanded before you started dating you always had viewed his voice as menacing and petrifying, But as you started to get to know him and well date him you grew to adapt to his voice and his remarks.

You had sympathy for him. Sure, he was cold and scary at times, but the man had to endure a lot. You once told him how he reminded you of a wounded puppy to which he didn't take kindly and would call you a moron for making such vulgar assumptions.

You rolled your eyes and stood up from his bed and sat on the floor with your legs criss-crossed together.

"Happy?" you said with a hint of sass. Levi sat down next to you placing his hand on your shoulder pulling you closer to him in the process. You smiled and rested your head on his shoulder.

"I wish we could stay like this forever."
your voice becoming soft and delicate melting right through Levi's iron heart. He didn't say it out loud that he waned the same, but deep down he did. Each mission the two of you went on was a gamble of luck to him. He didn't know if when he left you alone you were going to make it out okay. He wanted to be there to protect you no matter what the cost was. And even-though he was cold with you he still loved you nonetheless.

"Come on brat. get up." Levi stood up and held his hand out for you. You took his hand and he pulled you up.

"Wait where are we going?"

"Did you forget? I can't say I'm not surprised. We have a meeting to discuss some of Erwin's plans on reclaiming wall maria."
As Levi explained into further detail you groaned. You had completely forgotten all about the meeting. You couldn't bail on it since you already said you would participate.

You frowned and began putting your shoes back on. Levi took note of your pouty expression. He bent down and place this hand on your chin causing you to look up at him. You felt your cheeks warm up as you were facing him analyzing all his stunning details.

"I'll try to make this meeting go by quick. Then we can cuddle or whatever the fuck you want." he let out a light smile as you caressed his hand placing it on your cheek.

"Looks like someone wants some quality time with his girlfriend"

"don't ruin the moment or ill change my mind."

You nodded and the two of you began to walk off.

The meeting was held to discuss future plans on reclaiming wall maria. At the table you were accompanied by your higher ups. Commander Erwin Smith. Hanji Zoe and last but not least Captain Levi.

The man of your dreams was sitting Next to you drinking from his tea apprehending any ideas thrown at the table that he didn't fancy. He was blunt and never afraid to speak his mind all the more making him more charming in your eyes.

As the meeting went on you felt yourself slowly becoming bored by the second. You glanced at Levi to see how he was doing. He looked just as bored as you trying his hardest to make this meeting end quicker.

Then an idea came up in your head. Since you were only a few inches from his chair you decided to abuse that advantage to your absolute desire.

You placed your hand on Levis thigh slowly working your way up to his member. Luckily it was a small meeting with only two people sitting across from you. This being you and Levi facing Eren and Armin and at the middle end  were Erwin and Hanji.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2020 ⏰

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Levi Ackerman x reader smuts Where stories live. Discover now