PART 27 (last part)

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So this is the last chapter hehe I hope you'll like it ;)

Part 15 Season 2: The Other Me ( Imagine ) ( Last Part )

Me: What?!

Yeontan: Your son is with me. You want to hear his voice?

Woozi: Mom!!! Don't come here!!!!

Yeontan: Oh so sweet

Taehyung is now mad

Taehyung: Where are you!?

Yeontan: who are you?

Me: He's my husband!

Taehyung look at me

Me: Now tell us where are you?!

Yeontan: Your house

He hang up

End of call

All of us went home immediately

At home

Woozi is tied to the chair and covers the mouth with the handkerchief

All of was about to go to Woozi but all of us was stop by many guys and someone came. THE GUY WHO KILLED SUGA

Me: What do you want? Why you want me to come with you?

Yeontan: You want to know?

Me: Yes.

Yeontan come closer to me. It's so close that he can kiss me

Yeontan: I'm your father's bodyguard and beside of that, I LIKE YOU

Taehyung: get away from her!!!

Yeontan: What if I don't?

And he kiss me. I push him and Taehyung was so mad

Jin: Taehyung calm down

Taehyung: Calm down? You think I can calm down?!!!

Namjoon: Calm down first Taehyung please

And Taehyung calmed down

Me: I will come with you. Just let my son go

Yeontan: Okay.

And he untied Woozi. He grabbed my wrist and force me to be in his side and he push Woozi to Taehyung. He was about to fall down but Taehyung catch him.

Taehyung: Let y/n go!!!

Taehyung was about to catch me but a guy stop him and stobbed him

Me: NO!!!

Woozi was shocked and so mad. He took something from his pocket

Woozi: You tied me to the chair but you forgot to check my pockets

And he shot Yeontan. The guy was about to stobbed Woozi but Jimin shot the guy. Jin, Namjoon, Jhope, Jimin and Jungkook shot the other guys. And all the guys died.

I run to Taehyung

Me: Taehyung! Taehyung ( Crying )

And the police came

Jin: get them.

Police: But you are the one who shot them

Namjoon: They stobbed my friend and was about to stobbed my friend's son that's why we shot them

Police: Okay

And the ambulance came and get Taehyung.

At the Hospital
After surgery

Doctor: He's okay. He's fine. Don't worry. He just need some rest

Me: Okay.

And all of us came to his room. 
He's sleeping

Woozi: Dad, wake up

Jhope: Don't worry Woozi. He is just sleeping

Me: by the way, how did you have all that guns? All of you have that.

Jhope: Taehyung gave it to us.

Me: And Woozi too?

Woozi: Yes mom. I told him that I want to protect you and him so he teach me how to use gun and I'm thankful because of that

I look at him and smiled
I sit beside him and I whispered

Me: Taehyung. Wake up. Don't do that again. I don't want to lose you. I lose Suga and I don't want to lose you too. I love you Taehyung

And Taehyung spoke

Taehyung: Really? You love me?

I was shocked

Me: You are awake?

Taehyung: You told me to wake up right?

I punch him in his arm

Taehyung: Aww that hurts

Me: Sorry

And I hugged him

Me: I thought I will lose you

Taehyung: no I'm not.

Me: I love you

Taehyung: I love you more

And Woozi join the hug

Jin: Me too

Jin join the hug

Namjoon: Me too.

Jimin: Me too

Jungkook ang Jhope: And me too!

And all of them join the hug

Taehyung: I can't breathe!

And we broke the hug and laugh.

And since that day, we live free and happy. We can be happy without worries that someone will take one of us.

My mind: " Suga, I Love you. Maybe I can't love you now because you are dead but thank you, because of you, I realize how Taehyung love me so much. I love Taehyung but don't forget that I love you "

Woozi's mind: " I didn't saw you but I know that if you are here, you love my mom and me. Thank you for protecting my mom before. Don't worry, Daddy Taehyung will take care of us. I love you papa Suga. "

Taehyung's mind: Hyung, thank you. I promise I will take care of y/n and your son. Thank you because you are the one who teach me how to have THE OTHER ME. Thank you hyung so much. I love y/n, and I always will "

The end...

I hope you enjoy

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