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There,the kids where in a bright place and there, they saw a female figure wearing red. Ali noticed it first and immediately recognized her.

"M-mama?" The figure opened her arms and Ali ran towards her "Mama!" Aliya grunted on impact. Rudy looked around not interested in the reunion. "Where are we?" He asked as the mother and son released the hug "your in a type of purgatory" the older Tekno said. Ali looked at his mom "are we...dead?" He asked and Aliya slowly nodded. "But that's why your here. You're not supposed to die yet" the others looked at the Tekno "what do you mean?" Alicia asked and Aliya looked at her "you didn't fail your mission. I've seen this coming for a long time. Even before I died but I didn't get to stop them. Now,you must finish what they started" "how?" Alicia said again.

Aliya stood up and summons something from her hands. Six distinct items that were specifically made for the children. The said items floated to their proper owners.

A bow with infinite arrows that can shoot through anything for Alicia. A more deadly gasing for Ali. An azurium battle axe for Rudy,an infinity crossbow for Lumine and two azurium daggers for Rose and an azurium spear/trident for Iman. (I am ignoring the fact that Lumine is an inviso and I gave him a long ranged weapon. Why? Because the twins are qualified on all of he core's. Tekno and Inviso are their main one)

"Whoa~!" Was the only thing they said. Aliya smiled at them"Since it will be a while before you wake up,how about you test out your weapons?" She suggested. And test out they did.

Meanwhile at the overworld,(I think I need to stop with these Minecraft references) the academy students were miserable because of the loss of their friends. Poor Rizal wont stop sobbing since he was friends with the twins for so long. It's a good thing he lied with watching too many kdrama and finished prima Donna's in one day. Being filipino,they bought it. But seriously. He also cried about kdrama when people ruin the ships. It's also a good thing Moon was there to comfort him. "PASHNEYA KAYO! PTANG INA!!!" he yelled (translation: I hate you so much!!!) In the academy which made Djin confront him "why did you leave him yu-min? Why? HOW COULD YOU?!?!" Rizal said as he saw the inviso. Djin sighed wasting five minutes of his life (says the idiot that eats with his mask on) "Rizal,stop yelling about your k drama" Djin said rubbing his head as he left the room.

Rizal monolouging: "itong lalaking manananggal na ito sasapukin ko. Akala mo kdrama ha? Going with the stereotype I see" (translating: I will hit you in the head you fake vampire. You think it was k drama?)

Back at purgatory,the kids were already skilled with their weapons and Aliya decided it's time."it's time for you to go back" she said to them and their bodies turned into particles (Thanos snapped his fingers and made the children disappear) and they woke up in the overworld with their bodies buried by rouble but they were no longer injured.

They step out of the kitchen to see what happend and while looking around saw a white and red cloth with a pool of blood surrounding it. They immediately walked towards it. Prepairing their weapons just in case.

The twins looked at it fist since the others were cowards and they immediately dropped their weapons and on their knees and started sobbing. The others rushed to their aid ignoring the fact that they might throw up. It was--

A/N: cliffhanger yes.

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