cassette recorder | vanoss.

24 2 16

tw: death/implied suicide.

type: angst.

tip: read it by itself, then read it with the comments shown.


"is this on?"

"i'm going to assume it is."

"hello! i'm evan fong, or vanossgaming, if you know me or recognize my voice from my youtube channel. the channel has over 25 million subcribers, so yeah, i'm kind of a big deal."

"so, uhm.... today is september 10th, 2023, and let's say around 11 in the morning, with the apocalypse going on."

"if you are listening to this, you obviously know about the apocalypse because you can't possibly be fucking listening to this from the past, but i'll explain it anyways, just in case you don't know what exactly it was."

"the government called it MEH, or Mass Extinction of Humanity. it makes it sound pretty meh, though."

he chuckles, but he clearly isn't happy. you can hear the sadness and tears.

"anyways, it isn't some zombie apocalypse, or some world war three shit, no. it was some type of virus, you could say. a virus that had wiped up almost 80 percent of the population, and made it for the ones who survived, to not reproduce, or to not have children."

he chokes on his words, like he is having a mental breakdown.

"it - it's pretty sad."

"i - i was lucky enough to survive. well, if you call me lucky, because i don't think i am. i had to sit back and watch humanity die out slowly."

he seems like he couldn't take it anymore. he seems tired.

"why did my sorry ass survive?"

"i don't deserve this."


"sorry about the last cassette. the abrupt ending seemed quite odd."

"i'm back though, and it is now september 11th, and it is 2 in the afternoon. i'm feeling quite better."

his voice is raspy, as like he was crying and screaming earlier, but you can not make predictions.

"let's chat for a bit? that sounds good. i used to be a youtuber as i said before. i - i used to hang with..."

"fuck, man."

he clears his throat, which sound wet, as if he began to cry again.

"sorry about that, dear friend. i used to hang with some other youtubers, they were rooming with me, since we were going to hang out at this time, before this stupid apocalypse happened. their names were brian, brock, and anthony."

"the house is gone now anyways. it was just destroyed and raided while we were in the hospital. it was after brock and anthony..."

he doesn't continue, a long pause was given instead. it sounded like he was wiping his tear, as he was making curses and inaudible things.

"yeah. anyways, i'm currently living in a carnival, an abandoned one to be exact. i'm surviving on never expiring snacks and drinks. they used to sell these, and my friends and i were going to hang here as well. at this point, i have to go to grocery stores nearby, see and take the food that remains."

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