"Can you stay with me? I'm scared."

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A/N: This is heavily based on a DC episode thing that I saw in some compilation that was recommended to me in YouTube or something. Just wanted to clear that up.


"His powers have gotten out of control. He's going to die any minute now, because of himself. You guys need to go in there and kill him before he dies." Fury said.

The team was quiet for a moment.

"Why?" Natasha finally asked.

"When he dies, the things he's created with his powers will combust." Fury replied, motioning to alll the semi tangible things around them. Like purple trees, floating car pieces, and giant flowers.

"So you mean they'll all explode?" Steve asked.


"So why can't we talk him into putting things back in place before he dies?" Clint asked.

Fury sighed, "We've tried. It's too dangerous.  This could all explode any minute! He's going to die minutes from now anyway!"

"And if he doesn't? Then we're to blame for killing a twelve year old kid?" Tony said grimly.

"Tony, he's going to die." Fury said.

"He's a kid!" Tony yelled.

"You're being selfish Tony! You don't want to have that on your conscience!" Fury snapped.

"I don't want to kill an innocent kid! This kid is the victim! And we're killing him?!" Tony yelled.

Fury rubbed the bridge of his nose, "We don't have time for this Tony. I know it's hard, but it has to be done. Now, who's going to do it?"

There was silence for a moment.

"I will." Steve spoke up.

Fury pulled out some gadget, handing it to Steve, "This will be the least painful way."

Tony swallowed, "No. I know the kid, he's only going to let me get close enough to even use that."

Fury nodded.

Steve reluctantly handed the gadget to Tony.

"I'm going alone." Tony said, not giving them a choice.

"How do we know you'll do it?" Clint said after a moment, "We know you used to be close to the kid."

Tony paused, "I'm loyal to this team."

And with that Tony started heading towards the strange looking, distorted house.

The inside was a big field, with some flowers, and trees, and, near the back, Peter, the kid, sitting on the swings.

Peter looked up at Tony.

"Oh. I thought the others would want to come with you." He said.

Tony swallowed. He hadn't seen the kid in a while, "They did... I didn't let them."

Peter pushed himself on the swing a little, "You aren't going to use the gadget to kill me. I read your mind."

Tony paused, then shook his head, "No... I never planned on it." He tossed the gadget onto the ground.

"Peter why are you doing this?" Tony asked.

Peter looked down, "When I was at Hydra, they said it was a gift. They said I would never be lonely becuase I have my powers now. But I was. My childhood was spent alone, and at funerals until... Well, you know."

Tony stiffened.

"But then I got taken by Hydra. And they said they were going to do games with me, but they weren't fun."

Peter looked up, "So I decided to make my own friends, with my powers. But... I can't control it."

"Peter... You need to take this away. I believe in you."

Peter had begun to swing harder, higher. But now he stilled.

"I'm going to die very soon." Peter said, knowing the fact was irreversable.

Tony didn't move, "Yeah..."

"I'm sorry kid."

Peter now had tears in his eyes, "Can you stay with me? I'm scared."

Tony silently went to sit on the other swing. He then took Peter's hand, and held it as they waited.


Outside the house, the avengers waited nervously.

"What's taking him so long? Why isn't the kids magic leaving?" Steve asked.

Fury paused, "Give him another minute. Stark said he was loyal to the team."

"But he adored the kid." Natasha noted.

"Listen the kid in there, is not the same kid Tony knew! Hydra is a very evil corporation. They know how to tear someone apart, and build them into something new and cruel." Fury said.

Suddenly, the weird magic started fading away.

The floating car pieces, the giant flowers, even the house returned to normal.

"Did he do it?" Steve asked.

"...No. He waited with the kid until his death. I had a video tracker on him." Fury said, "Just in case."

"Then why didn't everything explode?" Clint asked.

"He calmed the kid down... Talked him through it." Fury said.

Now Tony came out of the house, with a little boys body in his arms.

It seemed like everyone stopped breathing for a moment when they saw the kid. The same kid in Tony's picture frame.

The kid Tony had always called his son.

"Tony... You never told us it was..." Natasha said.

"Wouldn't have changed anything." Tony said back.

Clint looked down. He couldn't imagine being told to kill his own kid, or even have to wait, and watch.

"Are... Are you?" Clint didn't get to finish his question.

"I'm taking his body. For a proper funeral." Tony said walking away from the team before pausing, "Please?"

Furry nodded, "Of course..."

"Thank you."

Later my Gators 🐊

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