Part 37: Dancing Armor?

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"Ben!" Mal yelled through the empty hallway.

"This way," Dude said, running down the hallway.

"Ben could be asleep anywhere!" Mal said, stopping.

"Or turned to stone," Celia said before Evie put her hand over Celia's mouth.

"Okay," Evie said.

Mal rolled her eyes. "Ben!"

"If he's not responding, stop shouting for him," I mumbled.

Harry chuckled next to me.

"I got a scent!" Dude said. "Very pungent cologne. Easy to track. Follow me, people."

"That's great, Dude," Jay said as we all followed Dude.

"FYI, I give great cuddles too," Dude said.

"Really?" Gil asked. "I never had a pet growing up. Well, except for the els head in Dad's man cave- but that wasn't..."

"Hold up," I said, seeing a painting that was cut off at the bottom. "What's this?"

"Any chance this was already there?" Carlos asked.

"And, follow me," Dude said before getting up and walking away.

We all followed behind as Mal shouted for Ben again. Dude led us into a room with a circle platform in the middle and a lot of suits of armor.

"Stay here, okay?" Evie told Celia.

As the group explored the room, I followed Sophia around to make sure she wasn't going to steal anything.

"I can feel you lurking," Sophia said from where she stood by a sword.

"Good," I said.

"What is your problem with me, huh?" Sophia asked, turning around and shoving me.

"I could ask you the same thing," I said.

"Says you!" Sophia said. "Your life is perfect! You never had to go through half of the things I did and everyone loves you!"

I laughed at her comment. "You have no idea what I've been through."

"Really? Because last time I checked with Uma, she said herself that you were little miss perfect," Sophia said.

"Alright, break it up you two," Evie said. "It's hard enough keeping Uma and Mal apart, I don't need you two ripping each other's hair out too."

"Fine," Sophia said. "But I'm not done with you, Chloe."

"Yeah, we're just celebrating our differences," I said.

"Uh, Chloe, I believe we're being challenged," I heard Harry say.

"Let's split up and look for Audrey," Uma suggested.

"That makes absolutely no sense," Mal said. "Unless you give me my ember, she's going to spell you."

"Girls!" Harry said, getting everyone's attention. "We have a situation here."

"Do you like a prince, Mal?" a girl's voice said through the suit of armor. "How about a knight in shining armor? Or knights?"

Suddenly, the suits of armor began to move and point their swords at all of us.

Watch your back, watch your back
Watch your back, watch your back
We can counter their attack
Hit them till the armor cracks

We all tried to run out the doors but the suits of armor blocked our way out. I sighed and went to grab some swords that were conveniently placed on the wall. I tossed each person one and grabbed a sword for myself.

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