Family Kinda Sucks

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They're joking. They're literally just joking, why am I being so sensitive? We're family, they love me and I love them. We tease each other all the time, it's not meant to be hurtful. And it shouldn't even hurt me, I'm just being too sensitive. Too much of a baby.

"Hey, look! It's Pete!" Clint teased as a monster on a tv show flashed across the television screen. Everyone chuckled, Peter forced a smiled and looked down at his phone. He pretended to be too caught up in his phone to care, but damn, he did care.

Quit being so fucking upset over the littlest things! This shouldn't even affect me! It never has bothered me before. I feel...unsafe. Anxious, more like. What the fuck?

"Do you guys want to watch a movie tonight?" Peter asked to nobody in particular. The room was full of his family, someone could've answered or at least acknowledged that he spoke. But nobody did.

Being ignored happens, they were all busy. Quit being so anxious and upset about every little thing!

"Hey, check out what Wanda can do!" Peter heard all of them ooh and aww over something she was doing in the other room. He loved Wanda, she was family. Yet, he had just tried to show them footage of himself saving three kids at once from a car accident in Queens and nobody seemed to care in the slightest. Sure, saving people wasn't as cool as Wanda's powers but it counted for something, didn't it?

She's just really cool to be around and I'm not. Who could blame them? Wanda deserves to be loved, more than anybody. I can't get mad at her for it. It just feels like nobody really notices I'm here anymore.

"Hey, I'm late for school. Can someone drive me today? I won't make it in time if I walk." Peter spoke rapidly as he entered the full kitchen. Nobody heard, well nobody responded if they did. 

He quietly walked out the door and to school, where he was 15 minutes late.

It's fine, I'm fine. They didn't hear me. Maybe they all thought someone else would reply but then nobody did and then it was too late to say anything. It's okay, it happens. They're not perfect.

"Look, Peter didn't take the trash out again." Tony sighed as he pulled the bag out of the trashcan.

"Damnit, Pete. C'mon man." Sam chuckled at the table.

"I was going to, I was just going to finish my homework first." Peter tried to defend himself as he stared blankly at the textbook in front of him.

"Excuses, excuses." Tony shook his head as he replaced the bag and everyone scoffed and chuckled.

Peter felt a blush creep onto his face at the humiliation. He was doing his best. "Sorry." He mumbled as he picked up his book and went to his room.

I can't do anything right. If I had taken the trash out earlier, something would've been wrong in the way I did it. I really am trying my best here. Why doesn't anyone see it?

These very people who I call my family and who I love so much make me hate myself so much. All the comments they make and the times they just ignore me take a damn toll and it hurts. What did I do to them that they're being like this? It's tearing me apart inside. I feel like I'm drowning trying to keep up the act that I'm not bothered by everything.

But it's probably just me being too sensitive. It's my fault, they're joking and I know it. I'm being a baby and taking everything too serious. I'm fine. Everything's fine.

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