Chapter 10- what am I going to do???

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Riley's POV;

James and I walk out of the buffet hand in hand, him squeezing my hand tight. We don't talk as we walk, we just walk, until we make it to my hotel room.

"I shall see you later jay." I say softly

"yeah." he replys.

"you okay?" I ask

"of course I am, I'll be here to pick you up at 11 to carry your suitcase's to the bus for you."

"you don't need to do that jay" I reply

"but I want to" he says with a smirk.

"fine you win!" I joke

He kisses me goodbye and I shut the door behind me, Chloe and Michelle aren't in the room so I'm just left laying in the room by myself, thinking.

James POV;

As I go back to my hotel room that's only across from Riley's, eldons not there but west is.

"hey man!" west says

"wassup dude?" I say

"not a lot, I thought you'd be spending time with Riley" he says

"nah man, she's busy." I reply trying to sound convincing.

"you guys okay?" he asks concerned.

"we are, I don't know about her though." I say hoping I havent said too much.

"what do you mean man?" west says, very confused.

"long story hey, but don't even worry about it. I'm sure it's fine." I say wanting the conversation to end.

"okay man, I'm here for you" he says brotherly

"cheers dude."

He puts his headphones back in and keeps watching dance moves on YouTube , all I can think about Is Riley, I want her to tell me in her own time, but at the same time, I want to know because I want to help if something's wrong. I feel worried sick, so I text Emily.

"hey Em, we need to talk."

E- "yes I'm listening?" She replys back

"I'm worried about Riley okay, I just need to know she's okay."

E- "you know her better than anyone James, if something's wrong she'll tell you."

"then why the whole talk at breakfast?" I reply.

E- "she'll tell you when she's ready."

NOT THE REPLY I WAS WANTING but I just replied back.


What does she mean Riley will tell me when she's ready? I don't get it even the slightest. I know now something's wrong, but what is it and why hasnt riles told me herself, or even worse why haven't I noticed before? I sit here so confused. What am I going to do???

Riley's POV;

As I lay here thinking about the whole breakfast ordeal I feel somewhat defeated, like I should have made more effort, I know James is curious and I can tell for sure Emily is keeping her eye on me. I want to tell him but I don't know how. What am I going to do???

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