Capitolo 1

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"𝓁ℯ𝓉𝓉ℴ 𝒹𝒾 𝓂ℴ𝓇𝓉ℯ"

I read those words, hidden on the bulky arm of the guy in front of me. It was the only time I ever noticed the tattoo, and that said something, considering me and the guy attended the church a while ago with our respective family. Catholicism has been the tradition in our family, it has been my second skin. I recognized everything from inside and out and the people who attended the mass. Everything.

Not that tattoo though and definitely, not the guy either.

I know the people around him, it proved, when all of them sits down on the dining table for lunch after the mass. Of course, I know them, it has been a regular thing. They are my parents' friends. 

"So, Bianca, is there anything new about you?" 

My eyes snapped from the food to my father. He was enjoying his food clearly waiting for my answer. My father has never been the talker. He never asks me this kind of question. He lets me do my own thing and as an exchange, I became the cliché good daughter to him. It's like a silent agreement. 

"Nothing new, father. I just finished college and I just got back. I'm thinking of going out one of these days to look for a job." 

The nod that he gave after I answered him is a sign of his dismissal about the question he asked, he never really cared and never wanted to know what's going on in my life. He just asked that because of the people around the table. I continued eating my food as if nothing happened. The room has become quiet and the sound of the clicking spoons and fork is the only thing you can hear. 

This is what after mass looks like. My family was never perfect, that the outsiders thought that we were. A sigh broke out from my lips from the thoughts that are going through my head, suddenly losing the appetite that I have a while ago. Looking from my food and to the people around me, I suddenly felt someone's stare. I looked at the source and squinted to see who it was. 

It was him. The guy that I don't know. The only guy who looks like he doesn't belong here. Maybe he's one of them. No, not maybe. He's one of them. The guy kept on staring at me aware that I am looking at him too. He doesn't care that I was. He just stared. 

I looked away, I don't need any problem, especially now that I just graduated, working is my top priority. His kind of people will do no good to me. They never will. The people of her father's dining table are not good. Of course, all people are not good, but them? They are extra special. Danger, death, and pain screams on the clothes they wear. 

"Bianca, you'll be married to Azrael." My father said as he continued to eat his food like nothing big is going to happen.   
I looked at my father and felt like falling. I couldn't breath. Of course, I'd known it would happen. My father made his point clear the moment he agreed to let me go and be free while studying. I'm now at the right age to marry someone in his business.  But I hadn't expected that he has someone in mind already, one fact, I just got back from school.

"You are so lucky Azrael Costa agreed to marry you. He could have chosen from the line of eager women." Tonette said, meeting my eyes. My aunt didn't mean to hurt my feelings; she was just telling me what she thought. No surprise, I know Azrael Costa by name, everyone in my father's dining table know him. My husband to be, Azrael – the boss – Costa.

A wave of sickness entered me. A man like Azrael didn't have to content himself with someone like her, daughter of one of his soldiers, someone with no position.  It's what most people probably thought when they heard this, yet I was about to marry him. I don't even know what he looks like, I only heard him from my family, especially my father, who already had direct exchange with him. I only want to be alone, and do what I dreamed to do, but how can I do that if I was to marry Azrael.

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