Hanging Out

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Finn P.O.V

I wake up from a delicious smell that made my stomach growl. I walk to kitchen and went over to the oven smelling that good food. Hmm bacon pancake, I wonder who making them.

"Careful Finn it's hot or you want your face burn your flesh to the skull." Marceline whisper.

"You made this Marcy?" I fix me a plate and I walk to the couch, sit down to eat. Marceline grab a apple and suck the red coloring out of the apple.

"Yeah, Jake bet that I can't cook nothing."


"Because I been dead over 500 year." Marceline chuckle turning invisible.

Marceline starting poking me around, I ignore until I changed into my everyday clothes.

"Where F.B and Jake, Marcy?" I askrealize that it's got quite.

Marceline shrug her shoulder staying no.

"Yo Finn, you want to hang out?" Marceline pick me up and head out to the forest before I could answer.

She drop me on the ground laughing all evil. I look up at Marceline smiling taking it as a joke, I got up dusting off myself and putting my hat on but Marceline snatch it and put on her head while floating up teasing me. "Marcy give it back." I yell.

"You have to jump for it to get it." Marcy giggle, floating up a bit higher and sticking out her tongue. I look at her with a sarcasm sort of way and jump for it which cause Marceline to laugh even harder.

"Come on Marcy." I pant, trying to catch my breath. Marceline floating down, put me on her back and taking me somewhere.

"Yo Finn, there is something you got to see." Marceline asks.

I look at her with a smirk thinking of its a prank or something." Can I have my hat back though." I question.

"No!!!" Marceline laugh, flew faster with a crook smile. We landed at the Ice King castle snooping around his stuff.

I follow Marceline to this room fill with book. I pick a book and the author is Ice King. I flip through some pages, I stop one of page with a girl who look like me but pretty. "What is this books, man Ice King must of been lonely since he got no princess to kidnap. I put the book down and search for more. Marceline wave and point to a huge door to call me over there to follow.

"This is it Finn, the place where Ice King put his other books at." Marceline said reaching her hand to open the door but I stop her.

"I don't know Marceline, maybe it's not a good idea." I quickly stop Marcy from opening the door. Marceline look at me then suddenly open it wide. Oh....my...God.

"Finn help us!!!" The princess cry.

We run to the cage but the something cause my eyes. A big statue of a look like me and Jake but girl. Before I could see it fully, Ice King freeze my body except my head.

"Finn, you always steal princesses from me but this time I'll be one kissing the princess." Ice King said holding the Ice keys.

I blush and marceline look confuse after the sentence.

"But this time I'll be the one kissing more princess from the another dimension!!!" Ice King laugh when open the portal.

"Finn, what to do?" Marceline turn into a demon getting ready for the plan.

I look down at the floor thinking what to do before Ice King take princesses and him to the portal. What to do


What will happen to princess and the other will ice king will go the portal or will Finn stop him?

I hope you like it guys, if you do I'm glad if not I'm sorry you don't like it.




Adventure time with Finn and Flame Princess( fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now