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Hello! Sorry this isn't an update, but I literally have 8 drafts I've been working on for the longest time I may finally have the time to work on and upload.

But anyway I just want to say that IF this book gets deleted or something during pridefall, I WILL be reposting it ASAP. I have everything backed up enough so I can republish the oneshots if something happens. Just look under the same title, cover, author (me) and you could find it again if this gets deleted and I have to post it again as soon as I can.

Same policy for my other stories, I will have everything reposted if something happens ASAP since I saved it all. I will probs not be unpublishing this book or my other books too.

But for now, I will continue updating as normal.

Thank you for the cooperation and support. I love you so much! 💜


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2020 ⏰

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