Ashleys POV

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God this girl was beautiful she has this glow to her it may have been her red hair or the way she smiled. Skylar just had this something I was never able to pin point in the short hour we were together. As I stoped looking at her the rest of the band came it great I have no more time alone with her. I just wanted to spend more time with her maybe after the show ill get more time?

     " Hello my names andy i mean you probably know that but still were so glad you are here." andy said with a smile on his face as her hugged her."Are you exsited to be here?" he asked

   "yes very much im accually really exsited to have met you all exspecially ashley hes my favorite...not that i dont love you all but ugh i juat made my sself look like an idiot sorry." Skylar said with her voice like butter it was so smooth and addicting. I jumped at the opertunity to talk.

  "Dont worrie you dont look like an idiot we understand im just hotter than the others " I said laughing even though i knew the guys would know somthing was up.

  "Well what can we say ash you really are good looking either that or its just you walking around shirtless." Andy said laughing. I glared real hard and long at andy when he looked at me im pretty sure he got the clue. "Well im going to grab somthing to eat ash jinxx jake cc you guys coming?" andy said

  "im going to stay behind and talk to Skylar a little bit more you guys go ahead"  I said. The guys left and it was just Skylar and i thank god.

  "You could have gone i was fine" Skylar said when i looked at her after the guys had left

  " Naw its cool i dont mind spending time with you so far the greatest fan" i answered with a smile she smiled back she had such a great smile i stood there smiling at her for what felt like ever she giggled such an amazing giggle i just wanted to kiss her i never felt like this for anyone. So why her?

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