For last time, DO NOT SLEEP!

42 10 18

Brain = bold

Me = italics



"What do you want?"

"Your dead body :)"

"You know like that you would be dead too...?"


"Ok...but seriously what do you want?"


"Ok then, good night!"



"Can we go  to sleep?"


"What else am I supposed to do at three am then?"

"Talk to ghosts."



"Chalk up a war scheme."

"To destroy you?"

"You said something?"

"Why would I do that when I have the perfect option of sleeping?"

"Do you?"

"Do I what?"

"Do you have the option to sleep?"


"I do and I swear if you decide to pull some stupid insomnia trick, I will freaking electrocute you."

"We both know that you won't."


"Your overly suspicious tone just proved it."


"Did you do your homework?"

"Which homework? I don't remember anyone giving us homework..."

"What about maths? Have you completed your previous work?"

"It is checked."

"You sure?"

"...Yes...But I will just double-check for confirmation."





"Why do you sound haunted?"

"Where did you last see my books?"



"Uh... in the library? When you were doing some work?"

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