[ Chapter 11 - Envious of a Clown ]

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We were not going out and yet we act like a couple. 

It's been a week since what had happened. Everyone in school has been very busy training since Sports Fest was up. Ace was lucky since his injury recovered quite quickly. He didn't leave his room for three days but after that, he was back to normal. 

Ever since confessing to me, Ace was always consistent. He greets me good morning and good night every single day. He would message me to eat thrice a day and drink water every now and then. Whenever we walk past each other, he would ignore me but later on message me with a remark. 

I made a habit not to respond to him since I don't use my phone often but occasionally I try to. He would always ask me to meet him somewhere private and I would always be reluctant to come. Most of the time I would be busy so I really had to decline but when I do show up, our situation would always end up in an intense kiss. 

Right now we were at the far corner of the library that nobody ever visits, this corner had encyclopedias. No one ever uses them since they prefer searching for things up online. In fact, the books here were all tangled up in cobwebs. 

We were in another intense kiss when he broke away from it. He stared at me with a sorrowful expression on his face before he looked away. It made me curious. 

"Was it bad?" I joked. 

"Vandia, what are we?" he asked and my eyes widened. 

I have not told him I loved him back. 

I knew it was wrong that I always allowed him to kiss me without even knowing if I loved him but I just did, I couldn't resist him. He has this magnetic force that used to repel me back then had changed, not it simply draws me in. 

"I-" I stopped and thought hard. 

Fortunately, my phone rang. I excused myself and answered it, it was Anne. 

"Huh? What? Alright, I'll be there," I lied. 

"What are you talking about I haven't even said anything," Anne spoke on the other line. 

I needed an excuse to get away from Ace. 

I left him in the library.

I was expecting him to follow me or pull me back but he didn't. 

As I made my way back to my dorm, I passed by a few students wearing their sports attire, they were probably out to practice and train for Sports Fest. 

Sports Fest was around the corner. It was one of the most highlighted events of the year. The winning house gets a total of 500 points.

We are going to get that 500 points.

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