Can we talk?

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Watching the fire funeral pyre burn Lena could see the beauty in it, in the ritual, but in the back of her mind there was still a voice telling her they needed to go home. They needed peace between Lexa and Skaikru, meaning they needed a miracle.

After a while, the fire started to burn out, everything reduced to ashes, smoke giving way to embers. There was nothing to do, nothing she could do to help and the thought was infuriating. No technology could fix this, no invention to change human behaviour.

As the smoke cleared and Skaikru were finally visible on the other side, Lena was surprised to see that most didn't make a move to leave. Most of them were starting to eye the Grounders around them, eyes darting between them all.

Watching the world around them, Lena couldn't help but think of her own; of the fear surrounding aliens and the woman stood beside her. None more scared than her brother. A deranged voice speaking out of fear against someone more powerful, someone different.

Here they had a peace, it wasn't perfect but it was peace. Fragile and tested, pushed and splintered, but they found a way to find it with Skaikru. A people so different from themselves, barely anything in common and still ground was found for peace, for love.

Stood silent, Lena was brought from her thoughts as a man stepped forward from Skaikru towards Clarke and Lexa.


Bellamy started towards them slowly, as if he would have a knife at his throat with one wrong move - he may not have been wrong where Lexa was concerned. Wanting her safe with what they did daily was asking the impossible and at the moment all Skaikru still behind its walls was potentially hostile.

Stepping forward to stop Lexa from doing something stupid - not that she would - Clarke waited for Bellamy to speak first. The boy couldn't look at her for longer than a second, indecision clouding his eyes.

"For them," Bel looked at the ashes of the fire. "I will talk to you." Surprised, Clarke looked at him with a nod and went to turn to Lexa. "Alone."

Stopping, she didn't know what to do when Lexa's voice rang out behind her. "I am sorry for your loss Bellamy Blake. I hope your conversation with Clarke can be the first step to peace between our people." Offering a smile to Bellamy, Clarke motioned for him to follow her into the woods around them.

There was only one clearing near them and that housed the Jump Ship, so she walked aimlessly until they were a safe distance from everyone. "I'm sorry." Clarke looked down, unable to look at Bellamy as she apologises for, for everything.

Bellamy shook his head. "I don't want your apologies. I want people to stop dying."

Looking up at him, Clarke licked her lips and looked at the trees around them, "I want that too." her eyes making it back to him as she spoke.

Seeing him clench his jaw, Clarke wondered if he was ready to talk to her about this. "Tell Lexa we can go back to how it was before you came back, to a truce, an alliance, whatever it was called." Clarke made to interject but was cut off. "We leave each other alone and when tensions settle, we talk about everything else."

She wanted to agree, to say yes and have everything behind them but it wasn't that simple. "That isn't an option Bellamy. Clans are already talking about war if Skaikru doesn't join the coalition, if we don't follow Lexa. Is there a way we can appease both sides?"

Shaking his head, Bellamy glared at her. "We can't just get into bed with Lexa - wait, you've already done that. You realise you're the reason Pike went off the rails, sending that 'peace keeping force' outside the gates? It was a threat to so many of his people, that after Mount Weather didn't take much to convince others. If I were you, I would find a way to make her agree to my offer." Bellamy was about to walk away when Clarke reached to stop him.

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