chapter five - strawberry fields forever

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John specifically told Elaine to meet him at Julia's house. Luckily, his half-sisters weren't there, nor Julia's husband. John wanted to spend more time with Julia, and why not have Elaine along for it? He knew Julia adored Elaine, so then it would be a good time for everyone.

"John, would you stop being so bloody nervous. You act as if this is a date. Is it a date?" Julia asked John.

"Oi, mum! It's not a date. S'just a day for her and me. We haven't hung out in a while, and we thought, 'why not dedicate today for John and Elaine?'"

Julia laughed. "I'm glad you decided to come here first. You know how much I love Elaine."

"Yes, mum, I know."

But it was true. John knew how much Elaine meant to Julia. Soon after Julia started coming back into John's life, Mimi filled her in on their relationship. The two sisters never missed a chance to gossip about the two young teenagers, always talking about the things they did or said to each other. John and Elaine were the main characters of a juicy, romance novel for them. Mimi and Julia secretly had a bet on how long it would take for the two to get together. Mimi betted later rather than sooner, while Julia betted sooner rather than later.

A knock on the door made John hurry to where he knew Elaine would be standing. He took a deep breath before turning the knob, opening the door. To his maybe-not-so-surprise, Elaine looked beautiful as ever. Blue being her favorite color, she wore a blue dress, one that clung to her waist nicely and showcased her gorgeous legs. However, there was one thing that surprised John.

"Since when did you get fringe?" John asked. It was confusing for John to comprehend since she never cut bangs in her hair once, not that it didn't look good, it just seemed so unlike Elaine.

"Oh, yea! Paul said it would look good on me, so I did it. Sort of like Bardot, he said."

John's nostrils flared for a split-second. "Paul said this, then?"

John was angered at the thought that Paul was trying to change how Elaine looked to become some replica of Bridget Bardot. The way Elaine was is already amazing, so why change it?

"Well, I think you look good with or without it, Blue."

Elaine smiled, looking down to hide the fact that her cheeks were turning a light pink color. John noticed this anyway.

"Come in, then, love." Elaine nodded and made her way inside, which is when Julia instantly greeted her.

"Elaine! Oh my, it's so good to see you!" Julia exclaimed as she engulfed Elaine in a tight hug.

Elaine laughed. "You too, Julia!"

"How've you been, hm? Tell me everything that's been going on," Julia said, taking Elaine's hands in hers as they both sat down on the couch. John smiled from this, seeing his mom and best friend so close with each other.

"Well, since school is done with, my dad is offering me up a job at his business as a photographer."

John was certainly surprised to hear that. He had thought maybe Elaine would take up college education instead, seeing as that she was one of the brightest in her class. Nonetheless, he was happy and supportive of her in anything she took up.

"That's wonderful! You're taking it, then?"

Elaine shrugged. "Yeah, why not? It'll be nice, you know. I've never really thought about taking pictures for a living, but it must be nice, maybe."

"Well, blimey, you can take pictures of John and his band when they perform! That'll be something."

Elaine looked over at John and smiled. "Yeah, maybe someday I will."

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