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"HE'S ABSOLUTELY BARMY, T'AT MAN!" Hagrid shouted after Lorelei explained what happened

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"HE'S ABSOLUTELY BARMY, T'AT MAN!" Hagrid shouted after Lorelei explained what happened. Brizo flinched and the man lowered his voice. Brizo now sat in a cup full of ice, basking as he was calming down. "Sorry, Briz. Oh, Lor...'e'll be alright. Just don't do any Transfigurations on him for a few days. Keep 'im away from that man...the nutter."

Lorelei nodded and petted Brizo's shell as he fell asleep in the ice. After a moment, she took him out and placed him on a pillow that Hagrid had. He slept peacefully after a few drops of a healing potion from Hagrid. The half-giant said it would help with the pain.

Lorelei had already missed all of her classes today. It was nearing dinner, now. Hagrid had sent Dumbledore an owl, which he replied that he wanted to speak to Lorelei in private after dinner.

"Go on te' dinner, Lor. I'll bring 'im wit' me when I 'ead down t'ere," Hagrid reassured when he heard her stomach begin to growl. "'m sure yer friends are worried about ye."

"Yeah, maybe," she whispered. Nodding, she stood up. "I'll get him from you before I got to Dumbledore."

"I'll be down t'ere in a few minutes. He'll be fine."

Lorelei gave one lasting look at Brizo sleeping before saying she would see Hagrid later. She walked briskly to the Great Hall, ignoring the thoughts about seeing Moody. When she walked in, there were whispers around the hall. No doubt the entire school knew about Moody's fun with Brizo. She hated the stares, so she ducked her head as she sat at the edge of the Gryffindor table. Lorelei made sure to sit far away from her friends and the piercing gazes from the surrounding students.

It was as if she had never walked in, the chatter began again in the hall. Soon after she made herself a plate of food, she saw someone sit in front of her out of the corner of her eye. Lorelei ignored the person, focusing on the pasta dinner she was poking with her fork. She glanced up when she heard someone tapping their foot impatiently. Lorelei dropped her fork in surprise at the boy sitting with an odd look in his eye.

Slytherin Adrian Pucey was frowning. "Look, I don't like you, and you definitely don't like me. But that shit was bloody messed up. You all right, Calypso? Is that bleedin' crab all right?"

"Fine. Both of us," she whispered with wide-eyes. "Hagrid has been looking over him."

"Good. Great. Okay, weasel twins are glaring at me. I'm glad that you're okay, and that crab. H-He didn't deserve that. Bye."

Lorelei nodded at him, allowing a slight smile to grace her lips. At that moment, the two teenagers came to an understanding. Neither really liked each other, but he cared enough to make sure she was okay. Lorelei thought for a moment, and she really hadn't been tormented by him in a long time either. He nodded once before getting up. Adrian left back to his table, glaring at any Slytherins who dared question his actions.

Down the table, George looked at Harry. "You said she went to Hagrids?"

"Yeah. She's been there all day, I reckon," the boy who lived replied while glancing at the Slytherin who left the Gryffindor table. "Wasn't that one of the guys who mess with her constantly?"

"Adrian Pucey, yeah. Montague and Warrington are his friends. I don't know why he was talking to her," Fred said with a frown. "Go talk to her, George."

"He's too much of a pussy," Angelina said with a smirk. "He yelled at her in front of everyone, and he's been acting like a right arse. He's scared," she teased.

George flinched and whacked Angelina's arm with a frown. "Oi, harsh."

"Truth, mate," Lee said with a smile. "I'll go talk to her." Lee stood up and strolled over with his plate to sit where Adrian had sat before. "Hiya, Lorelei."

She flinched and looked up. "Hi, Lee," she whispered.

"How is he?" Lee asked while stuffing his face.

"Hagrids looking--there he comes with him," she said smiling when Hagrid walked in the Great Hall with Brizo sitting on the half-giant's shoulder.

Hagrid had walked over to Lorelei with a smile, ignoring the looks from the students and faculty around them. Brizo climbed off Hagrid's shoulder quickly when he saw Lorelei, and he began to eat off of a plate the mermaid quickly made for him.

Hagrid was about to say something when another voice spoke.

"Black. Come with me, I want a word," Moody's unmistakable grunt was heard behind the girl. The Great Hall had gone quiet again as Lorelei flinched.

"I don't think that's a good idea," Lorelei whispered while Brizo hurriedly stuffed himself into her pocket in fear.

"Come on," he grunted again with anger in his tone.

"She don't want to!" Hagrid yelled out. "Let 'er eat in peace, Alastor."

Moody let his eye swivel to Hagrid before he stomped off like a child who didn't get his way. Hagrid looked back at Lorelei and Lee who stared at him wide-eyes.

"Bloody doesn't take no, t'at man!" he grumbled. Looking at Lorelei, he smiled. "Come see me tomorrow, if ya remember."

"Sure. Thanks again, Hagrid," Lorelei smiled lightly at him. He nodded and reminded her to speak to Dumbledore before leaving. And apparently Dumbledore enjoyed blueberry muffins.

Lee grabbed Lorelei's hand that she didn't realize was shaking. The Great Hall erupted in whispers again. Brizo hesitated before climbing out of her pocket to finish eating.

"It's fine, Briz. He's gone," Lee mumbled while rubbing Lorelei's hand. Once Brizo finished, Lorelei withdrew her hand from Lee's and put Brizo on her shoulder.

"Thanks, Lee. I have to go speak to Dumbledore."

"Angelina took notes for you from the classes. She said she would leave them out for you tonight," Lee said trying to get the girl to smile.

"Right. I'll tell her thanks when I see her."

Lee nodded and gave her another smile. Lorelei left the Great Hall quickly. She heard footsteps following her. Frowning, she really didn't want another conversation, especially not with him. Not at all.

"Lor," he whispered when he caught up to her. "Lor, wait."

"What, George?" she hissed at the boy. "I have somewhere to be," she paused before adding, "Dumbledore's office, if you were wondering. Don't want you to think I'm keeping anything else from you."

George sighed. "I'm sorry. I panicked. I just want you to trust us again, like you used to. B-But I don't care about that anymore. You'll tell me when you're ready. Is Briz okay?"

Brizo looked up at George when he heard his name.

"He's fine," she clipped before sighed a bit in a defeated manner, "Bit traumatized, but..." she trailed off while shaking her head. "I told you I'd tell you soon. I just haven't had time. You yelling like that was not necessary."

"I know. I'm sorry," he implored, grabbing Lorelei's hand with his frown deepening.

"I have to go to Dumbledore. I'll see you later, Georgie," she whispered before turning, pulling her hand, and walking away.

When she made it to Dumbledore's office, she smirked when she said, "Blueberry muffins."

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