Chapter 27

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"Klarke, I was wondering if I could talk to you for a moment," I said jogging down the hall to catch up with the woman.

"Sure, Electra."

Klarke stopped and turned toward me. I sort of wished she had walking. Talking to her face to face wasn't exactly the easiest way to do this.

"I was hoping that maybe I could leave this weekend, go back home."

"I'm sorry Electra, but that can't happen. This is the full experience and we won't be allowing students to leave until they are ready to go out in the field."

"So you're just keeping us prisoner until two weeks are up."

"You're not prisoners," she said sharply. "You're students who have been admitted into a type of boarding school. Letting you leave would be irresponsible when we consider your training."

"I don't need training. I don't even know why I'm here."

"It's true you're further than most of our advanced hunters, I was surprised after your assessment. To be honest, I was surprised when your father first offered to have you in the experimental group. I know your father well, and I know the type of training he would have had for you. However, your recent sparring shows that there are some areas you can improve on."

"I shouldn't have even been up against Durin, Ma'am."

"You shouldn't have, and I had a talk with Freemont about such acts, that won't be happening again. I think it may have been good for you to be put in your place though." Klarke's words were clipped and hard. I knew she had had enough of the discussion. There was no way I was getting out until the two weeks were up.

I sighed and turned to go to lunch. After I grabbed my tray of food, I sat down with my now usual small group. I had been quiet, just listening to them talk until they fell silent with a new addition that sat down next to me. I looked over, into the dark eyes of Durin a slight smirk gracing his mouth.

"Jaeger," he said, the smirk making it's way to a full smile.


"I hope you don't mind that I sit with you."

"I don't mind, but I think you may have scared them into silence," I said gesturing toward the rest of the people sitting around the table.

Durin gave them a small nod before focusing back on me.

"You seem bold," I noted.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, flirting yesterday, and after I tell you Freemont was trying to get back at me through you for rejecting him the other day. Here you are back for round two."

Durin just shrugged, his white teeth flashing with his smile. "Just because you rejected another guy doesn't mean your closed for business." He paused for a moment. "And trust me, if or when I flirt with you, you'll know it."

My jaw nearly dropped again and I felt the same heat rushing to my cheeks. Bold was an understatement for what this guy was. He was cocky. No doubt he didn't have much problem with the hunter ladies, when he flashed his last name around they probably flashed him their boobs.

"Well I am closed for business," I said quickly.

"Oh really?"

"Yes. I have a boyfriend, from back home."

Really Electra? You're just going to tell this guy all about your life? That's not a good move. You just told a founding family that you have a boyfriend at home, one that would presumably not be a hunter.

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