• Ch.Four - Beautiful •

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Today I will be lazy.

Today I will not move.

Today I will stay in my bed.

I don't want to do anything today.

"Taylor? Are you awake?", comes Ella's cheerful tone as she lets herself into my room still dressed in her pyjamas. She opens my curtains and lets in the early morning light. My sheer under curtains create a gentle brightness. I pretend to be asleep. Maybe then she'll leave me alone. I could ignore her for the entire morning until she gets the message. "Taylor? Wakey wakey! Fie, you slug-a-bed"

"Fie, you wha-"

"Ah! You are awake"

Shit. That was easy. Good job, Taylor. Now you have to get up and do things. I bury myself deeper under the blankets.

"It's a gorgeous day Tay! I think we should make a picnic or something and go down to the beach again"

"No! No, I don't want to go outside into that... that... devilish abyss ever again!"

"Devilish abyss. Hmm, that's one way to call it. Come on, I'll make you breakfast"

"You can make me breakfast but I'm not doing anything after that"

Ella sits on the bed with a jovial bounce. Her hair falls around her shoulders as she lands. She feels around for a good grip on my sheets and then pulls them away from my hands. I glare up at her smiling face, annoyed. She simply smirks at my disapproval. I angrily grab for my sheets but her grasp to the fabric is tight.

"Why don't you want to get up today?", she asks.

"I just don't!", I moan. "Please just let me sleep in"

"There must be a reason Taylor. Are you sick?"

"I'm sad that's what I am! I miss Ellie, I still haven't grown used to you, my wrist hurts like hell. I do not want to move today", I sob and dramatically throw my head back into the pillows.


I sigh, "Oh please, Ell- Wait, what?"

"If you don't want to do much today because you're feeling depressed then we won't do much. Or nothing at all, if you like", Ella says. "On one condition"

I raise an eyebrow, "And what's that?"

Ella brings back the blankets a little more and then slips herself into the bed beside me. "I get to snuggle with you all day"

I stare back at her. No I am not sharing my bed with you!

"I don't know about that"

"Right so! Get dressed and come downstairs when you're ready 'cause I made pancake batter last night and it's just dying to hug that frying pan", Ella says and throws back the sheets once more.

"Wait! Uhh... I guess you could stay here", I hesitate, holding to her arm. How bad could it be? She wouldn't take up much space at all in my queen sized bed. I could stand this.

"Great. But I think I actually will make those pancakes", she says and gently releases my grip. With happy little steps she makes her way downstairs and busies herself in the kitchen.

Is Ella really suggesting a day full of lazing around doing nothing? Ellie would never let me do this. She'd be furious! I'm not going to question this though. How could I turn down the opportunity to sleep in and snuggle all day? I mean - I'm not really looking forward to the snuggling... Am I?... Maybe a little... No! Taylor, shut up.

Past Her Insanity - Taylorde (complete)Where stories live. Discover now