A bit of fun and misunderstood nights. [7]

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A bit of fun and misunderstood nights [7]

I think that someday, you'll meet someone new and you'll fall madly in love and you'll have moved on without even realizing it – Caroline Forbes

I think that someday, you'll meet someone new and you'll fall madly in love and you'll have moved on without even realizing it – Caroline Forbes

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"I cannot do anything about it. Let me out or I swear I won't hesitate because you are my friend." Jessica pleaded Susan to stop. It wasn't like her, Susan was a kind hearted person who didn't believe in revenge. What is this state that Jessica was in, How would she get out?

"I am your friend, Remember that? Oh wait I don't think you knew that cause apparently you killed me. Isn't that right? I had a family you fool. I had my brothers that I needed to provide for, I had dreams, And all of them went in vain- The Susan that was appearing in front of Jessica would have continued if it weren't for another voice to cut her off.

"-Jessica don't listen to her! She's not real, I am not her. Jessica you need to be careful, Wake up! Jessica, It's not your fault. That women in front of you will keep dragging you in unless you wake up! Daggers thrown in fear are daggers of vain, You need to be brave. Get out of here, This is not- The real Susan screamed at her. There was no sign of the real Susan but her voice echoed through the room. She would have said something if she had not been cut off by the fake so called Susan in front of Jessica.

"-You fool! You could have- the fake Susan would have continued but Jessica started to gain control over her state. From the outside, Jessica looked like she was tossing and Turning on her bed but on the inside she was trying to get out of there.

She then realized that she was sitting on a chair, She tried to get up with she somehow couldn't so she tried to fall down, It worked. The chair fell down from behind and as Jessica's head hit the floor in her Unconscious state, She woke up scurrying for air in the real state.

She opened her eyes, She couldn't make out if she was in the same state as before or not. She got up and went towards the door, Hurrying to get out of that room. How would she know anything? Is this real, Many thoughts like that kept occurring in her head before she reached the living room to see the group gathered over there.

She entered the room carefully, Making sure that she's in control. She was walking towards the table when Caroline stood up and Jessica took a step back.

"Tell me the first thing that I said to you," Jessica asked Caroline in a desperate voice.

"Jessica, It's alright. You can talk to us," Caroline tried to calm her down.

"Don't come near me! Just tell me the first thing that I said to you," Jessica demanded, Not knowing if she was in reality or still in the dream.

"I told you that my name's Sebastian and that I am the fire element then I asked Caroline to make you kill someone, That's what I said," Sebastian spoke and Jessica sighed and ran to hug him. She felt calm knowing that she was in the real world and she couldn't help but hug him.

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