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-Haneul POV-

I sat down at a table and pulled out my phone. I decided to look at social media, while I waited for the boys to arrive. After about five minutes I could feel like I was being watched.

I've probably just watched too many horror movies.

As I looked back down at my phone I felt a pair of hands at my back. It was a sudden but soft push.

"Boo!" A pair of familiar voices shouted at me from behind.

I flinched and turned to find Jin and Namjoon behind me, laughing at my reaction. I shot up from my seat and pouted at them while playfully hitting at their arms.

"Yah! You guys scared me!"

"Aw, I'm sorry Haneul," Namjoon said as pulled me in for a small hug.

"It was his idea, though." Added Jin before joining our hug.

"Whatever, I forgive you guys. Let's begin, we only have about 25 minutes."

20 minutes later

Namjoon, Jin and I had been working for 20 minutes. It was a good thing we came to the library since we realized we had needed a book for research. Tired of sitting, I offered to go look for the book myself.

I walked into the aisle and found the book almost immediately. As I pulled it out, I noticed a space in the bookshelf, just large enough for me to see the other side of the bookshelf. I peeked through and saw 7 backs facing my way.

I recognized them, so I quietly walked over to their side of the shelf.

"Where'd she go? She's gone." A voice whispered.

I cleared my throat, making my presence known. "Hey guys, who are you looking for?"

They turned to me, slowly. Most of them were shocked and immediately stood up straight.

Jungkook turned slightly and looked at me with his peripheral vision. "Oh, we're just watching our friend, Haneul. We think she has a crush on one of the boys she's with."

Jimin elbowed Jungkook and Jungkook turned angrily at him. Jimin shit him a glare before turning back to me. Jungkook looked back at me and the look on his face was priceless.

"Oh, shit, Haneul." Jungkook said in a loud, surprised tone.

"Haneul, we're sorry-" Soomin tried desperately to find an excuse for their actions.

I interrupted her before she could continue, "No it's fine. I just didn't realize my friends were a bunch of stalkers."

"Stalkers?! Haneul, I admit it was my idea. But the way you blushed made it obvious that you were crushing on the person you were talking about. But you didn't mention anything so I felt the need to come see your crush for myself," Yeonha seemed upset.

But, that wasn't the issue at the moment. I guess I took too long, either that or we were too loud, because before I knew it I heard a voice at the end of the aisle.


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