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- i binge watched she-ra and the princesses of power and cried at the end fuck -

"Atrocious! Another bloody dance!" said Ron, exasperated.
"I don't see the problem, Ronald. Professor McGonagall can do as she pleases, she is Headmistress after all" said Hermione, unbothered by the upcoming event.

McGonagall decided to throw a winter dance before the holidays, because besides visiting Hogsmeade, the students don't do much during the winter anyway.

"I'd rather she put me in detention" Harry chimed in "I don't even have a date."
"Suppose I got lucky there didn't I?" Ron smiled and put one of his arms around Hermione's waist.
"I might as well go with Malfoy at this point" Harry jokingly said. His friends laughed but abruptly stopped when they noticed people staring at Harry for his remark. Whispers started floating around the Great Hall, and Harry put his head on the table, defeated.
"Great. Just great" he mumbled.
"Cheer up mate, at least it gets us out of the Friday classes, eh?" Ron tried to make Harry feel better.
"Anything's better than Potions" he agreed, still not excited about the ball that was going to take place tomorrow.

Word spread through the Great Hall, reaching the Slytherin's table in no time.
"So, Malfoy. I hear Potter's taking you to the dance tomorrow?" Pansy mocked him.

Draco almost spat his water out.

"Bullshit, he's taking me. I am taking him." Draco replied, offended that people would even consider him being the one escorted, not Potter, and playing along.
"So you two are going together?" Goyle barely spoke, shock all over his face.

Draco locked eyes with Harry, who looked like he was practically begging him to drop the joke. The blond only smirked playfully.

"As a matter of fact, we are." Draco said smugly and got up from the table, leaving everyone astounded.

Harry couldn't believe it.

"Uh, mate. Might wanna uh.. fix this before it gets more out of hand?" Ron suggested, pointing towards Malfoy leaving the room. Harry didn't reply and stormed out, following the blonde until he caught up with him and grabbed him by the elbow.

"Malfoy. What the fuck was that?" he asked, still not letting go.
"I might ask you the same question, Potter. Spreading around rumors like that" he tut-tutted at the Gryffindor.
"I-I wasn't. It was a bloody joke, and you took it seriously." Harry spoke, red appearing on his cheeks from the embarrassment he caused himself.
"A joke is supposed to be funny" Draco remarked. Harry pulled him closer by the elbow he was still holding.
The blonde didn't fight it.

"Just.. please drop it. Okay?" the Gryffindor said glancing down at his feet.
"Oh but I won't, Potter. Look at me when I speak." Draco said and lifted Harry's head up. "Think of the complete chaos this would cause at the ball. All the girls that normally swoon over you would just break down crying hopelessly. Pansy would finally stop trying to win me over. All the confusion, the drama. Just visualize it." Draco said, his eyes sparkling with irrepressible mischief.
Harry never could deny an opportunity for causing trouble. He dropped his hand to Draco's wrist, as if feeling all the eagerness for chaos transfer to him through the touch.
"Fuck it, why not?"
"Never could resist trouble making could you, Potter?" the blond asked in satisfaction. Harry only smiled.
"I'll see you, Malfoy" the Gryffindor said, letting go of the other's wrist.
Draco put one hand where Harry's was.
"You know it" he said and headed to his chambers.


Harry laid on his bed, grinning. He hadn't told his friends about his little agreement with Draco, to make it more interesting. But before Harry could contemplate on the plan further, a package dropped at the end of the bed with a note attached.

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