Chapter Thirty Five

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As soon as my stare fixed onto the old rundown, neglected building countless of Harrowing memories over powered my mind and my ability to think. It was completely the same barring the knewly acquired abandoned look.

Years of my life were spent within these walls, I never knew it would feel this raw, this painful to be back here. I needed to breath, I needed to gain control back of my own mind. How was I going to help them if I couldn't control my own anxieties?.

I may not be good enough to be heard by their council but I can definitely help here. I knew this place like the back if my hand, just looking at the building told me not much had changed.

I needed to find a way to overcome my fears and past torments. I needed to be somewhat assertive if I was to ever be useful for something.

"what's going on Beta?"

Jamie's voice was full of question and uncertainty as he looked towards the beta. Everyone was still and quiet taking in their surroundings. Jamie though  seemed agitated by the eerie silence.

Beta colbey had yet to answer him, allowing me more time to refocus myself. For once my troubled life could prove useful I had to use any bit of motivation I had for this one moment.

So instead of looking back towards the ground of hiding behind my eye lids. I took in the sight of the building allowing all my memories, anxieties and fear to engulf me. Focusing in controlling my breathing was difficult but I was doing it. I was taking control.

"I want this place searched,look for anything suspicious anything out of place, anything concerning. I want two teams one with me the other with Jamie upstairs. Breya go with Jamie"

Although his tone held complete authority it also held a bitter anger too. It left no room for question, protest or defence. As if this had been practiced a hundred times before part of the group followed the betas retreating figure into the bleak darkness of the orphanage. The others remained stood waiting instruction from Jamie.

A part of me felt relief that I wouldn't be visiting my old torture chamber in the basement of this worn down building. Despite revisiting the actual room that held me captive I thought it would be easier for me to handle.

"everyone stay close"

With that single sentence jamie began to walk towards the house everyone hot on his trail barring me and finn. He remained uncomfortably close to me completely silent. From the moment I met him I hadn't heard a single word leave his mouth. Before I could become any more nervous I followed the rest of the wolves into my nightmare.

As suspected finn continued to stay as close to me as possible making me believe he was keeping an eye on me. Walking through the door I couldn't believe I was actually doing this by choice. It was overwhelming yet comforting to know I wasn't being forced. For the first time in my life I was in control.

Walking up the stairs the lack of light was making it harder for me to see. Reaching out my hand my fingers gently brushed against the cold metle of the banister. Using it as my eyes I began to follow it up the stairs.

Before I could process what was happening the old banister had come. Away from the wall the audible screech of the metle straining under the pressure of my touch was unpleasant sending my heart beat into a panicked spiral. A frightened scream was at edge of my tounge as I lost balance until I felt the solid body behind me.

Finn. Apart of me was embarrassed the other completly annoyed. I was supposed to be showing these creatures thst I wasn't a burden, that I  was capable of helping them, of helping myself. Turns out I was the one making it easier for them to state their claims of my weakness.

Uttering a quick thankyou I continued up the stairs, soon my eyes squinting with the light that suddenly stung, my eyes. The dull bulbed flickered as we all precessed our surrodings. Stood on the landing the wolves seemed to take a room of their own.

There was only one room I was currently interested in visiting my room. Making my way to end of the old corridor I found myself outside the old wodden door. My nerves seemed to spike as I reached for the old brass handle, quickly twisting the knob I ripped open the door with a determined tugg.

My heart sunk as I took in the old worn out mattress that still lay across the floor. Images of my younger helpless self hit me almost making me forget the purpose of me being here. The only reason it hadn't consumed me was because of the piece of white paper that sat in the middle of my old mattress

Forcing my self to pick it up I clasped it into my hands. Somehow I knew it was meant for me which only intensified the sickening feeling in my gut. Unravelling the scrunch up paper I felt frustration, anger, sadness and pain flow through me like a tornado.

"nice try runt! You didn't think I'd make it that easy for you and your new friends did you?

Thought you could outsmart me did you? Maybe you need reminding of who the alpha is around here, ahh well not to worry plenty of time for that.

You know had your new friends looked here sooner they may have found something more interesting than dust and an old neglected building. Turns out I'm always one step ahead.

Better luck next time...

P. S game on! "

Fear, the feeling I'd grown more than acquainted with over the years gripped ahold of me, the more I read the more I felt the pain in my chest.

How did he know they'd check the orphanage?

How did he get this in here when he is in house arrest?

Better yet, how had he cleared th puos from here? And how did he manage to make this place look abandoned?.

My heart raced as i clutched the note to my chest. I don't know if I should share the note with Beta colbey, the alpha practically admits he staged this whole place, making it look like it hadn't been occupied for years.

I was about to mind link the beta in my panicked state, but the raw thst echoed through the halls of the orphanage sent me into over drive.

My fingers began to tingle as my legs became wobbly, my chest tightening as I begged for air through my panted breaths. The feeling if entrapment making me feel suffercated. Soon I felt my conscious mind slipping from me as I gripped the wall for support.

Before I had the chance to calm myself down or stop the dreadful anxiety attack I was having my World went black the only sound j heard was the thud my body made as it contacted the floor.

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