Patton gets Ran over

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Patton's POV
I was taking care of a puppy when someone opened the door and he ran out. I immediately chased after him. I grabbed him, we were in the middle of the street. "Hey little guy no running off like that, Ok?" I giggled. *beep!* *beep!* i turned and saw a car coming straight for us, i went into shock, the puppy jumped out of my arms and ran. I couldn't move my body wouldn't even let me. "Get out of the way!!" A female jogger yelled. But i couldn't. Immediately saw only black.

Reader's POV
The woman  got out of her car and smirked before getting back in the car and driving off. The female jogger ran to Patton and panicked. She grabbed her phone, dialed the ambulance. Janus then ran outside, he saw Patton and the girl. Janus ran to them and panicked as he saw the girl was on the phone. Janus grabbed his phone and texted Virgil.


Janus then hit send and waited for the ambulance.

Virgil's POV
'No! No! No!!!' I began to sob, Logan grabbed my phone and checked the message and he began to cry even. Logan lifted me up amd we headed for his car.

I cried the whole way there. 'How drunk was this person to do such a thing?!' Logan drove quickly to the hospital and found Janus there. Logan parked the car and we both ran out. Roman then came with tears rushing down his face.

We all rushed inside as they put him on a table and took him to a room. We all tried our best to calm down Roman to the best of our ability. He was a mess. I can't blame him, i felt the same thing when Logan was in the hospital.

I gave him a hug and cried with him. The doctor came out, "He's in stable condition but he did break his left arm, and his legs are gonna be sore for a few weeks." The doctor said. Roman sighed then got up. "May i see him?" Roman asked. "And you are to him?" The doctor asked.

"I'm his husband." Roman said, the doctor nodded then let him in. I sighed heavily, Logan hugged me close to him. "For a second i thought he was dead." I said. Logan held me tighter, "i can't imagine what Roman must be going through, since he's married to him ." Logan said. "I can." I said turning around to face him.

"That's how i felt when you went into the hospital, i thought i w-was g-gonna lose you." I said touching his cheek slightly as tears formed. Logan smiled sadly, "I'll never leave you Virgil." Logan said then pulling close to his chest. I sighed then hugged him tightly back.

Janus was looking at the ceiling. "Wonder where Remus is?" I said. "He has a gig at the strip club." Janus said. I began to laugh. "I knew he was gonna do that one day!!" I laughed. Logan tried holding back a laugh. Janus was already laughing.

Roman then walked out and noddes for us to come in. Patton was awake and he had a smile on his face. "You ok Patton?" Logan asked. "Of course i am." Patton said weakly. Logan flinched at his voice. I knew why, i talked like that when i was in the hospital, so he does know.

"I saved a puppy!" Patton said happily. Janus sighed as he leaned on the wall. I snickered at him, 'He's still the same, Patton.' Patton was talking about how cute it was and how fluffy ot was. Roman just smiled at him. 'God what an rush of emotions.' "well good to see your ok, Patt." I said.

Patton smiled at me. I smiled back with a wink. "He'll be released in a week or two so they can get him use to walking again since his legs are very sore." Roman said sadly. Patton nodded then grabbed Roman's hand. "I'll be ok." Patton said putting a thumbs up. We all were greatful for that. Me and Logan, Janus left.

When we got home i immediately sat on the couch. Logan smiled then grabbed a snack from the kitchen. I looked up at the ceiling and sighed. "So wanna watch Nightmare before Christmas?" Logan suggested. I jolted for the remote and got on Disney plus. He giggled then sat down with me.

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