Chapter 6: Gone

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Third Person's POV:

It was a beautiful night. The air was starting to get a little chilly the later it became.

The stars were beautiful in the dark night sky. The moon shone brightly, casting its natural l8ght over the earth, making the scenery breathtaking.

(Okay...imma stop trying to describe this..i suck at this shit)

Sitting on the rooftop of a random house, was a boy.

He had on a U.A boys uniform. The tie was missing from the outfit. Probably since the boy didn't like the tight feel of it around his neck. It felt like he was almost being strangled.

His fluffy green hair was being ruffled in the wind, undoubtly forming knots in his hair.

(Does that even make sense..?)

He had the deep forest green eyes. Since the day he had been rescued, the pain in his eyes had been replaced by happiness. By love.

But the emosions dissapeared from his eyes yet again.

This time, it was replaced by hurt and sadness and pain. But a different kind of pain. Not the same pain as before.

The words of the purple headed boy from earlier kept repeating in his head, as if on repeat like a broken record.

It was words that had hurt him.

Izuku's POV:

"You will never be a hero!"

"You're a monster!"

"Just give up!"

Maybe he was right. Of course he was right!

I grew up with villains!

Villains raised me! No one is gonna trust me!

I was an idiot for thinking that!

I was snapped out of my thoughts when I felt something wet drip onto my hand.

Looking down, I saw a drop of water. But it wasn't raining.

Confused, I brought my hand to my face and felt the tears streaming down my cheeks.

Eh, so I'm weak too, huh?

It has been two days.

Two days since the words left that boys mouth.

Two days since I have stepped foot onto U.A grounds.

Two days since I've seen Aizawa and the rest.

I remember when I realised what the boy had said. How right he was.

I remember feeling like I had no right being there, at U.A. That I should just dissapear and everyone will be happy.

I left everything, my schoolbag with my phone and money. I left without saying goodbye.

It didn't matter that I wasn't eating. I'm used to it.

But, just running away isn't enough.

They'll find me.

Whether it be Aizawa and the others or The League of Villains.
They will find me.

I need to dissapear.

For good.

Third Person's POV:

While Izuku sat on that rooftop, thinking of a way to dissapear for good, Aizawa searched the streets while on patrol.

He, along with his husband and other, were a mess.

He couldn't understand why Izuku would do this.

What he would run away.

It had been two days of searching like this.

Two days of Izuku being gone.

Hey readers!
Sorry for the late chapter! But I hope you enjoy!

Remember to stay safe snd healthy!

Have an amazing day/night!


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