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I'm sad.

The final day of VidCon has passed and now all of us are at the airport, waiting for different flights, taking different paths.

I stand alone at Starbucks as I wait for my order.

"Grande Vanilla Bean for Jade?" I hear my name being called out. I thank the girl politely and I take a sip from the cup.

I sit at a couch just outside Starbucks and I find myself observing my group of friends.

Alfie and Zoe are cuddled into each other as they talk nonchantly to Niomi and Marcus, Caspar and Joe fool around on the escalators by walking the opposite way of the escalator.

Jim and Tanya hold hands as they talk to Tyler and Troye. I shift my eyes to the left of them and I see Miranda dancing around entertaining everyone.

A few security guards scattered here and there seem to be enjoying themselves as well.

Flight 107 to Adelaide, Australia... Your flight is in 10 minutes.

I look over to Calum to find him staring at me. I give him an uneasy smile and he notices.

He saunters over to me and he plops down next to me. I take a sip of my drink and I look at him. He puts his hand on my thigh and I give him a small smile.

"What's wrong?" He asks, voice full of worry.

"I-I'm scared of flying, I get worried when I'm on a plane," I tell him. He embraces me in a hug and I immediately wrap my arms around his waist. I put my drink down first of course.

He runs his hands up and down my back in comfort.

"Don't worry, I'll be there with you," he says. I nod, remembering we bought new tickets with the seats next to each other.

I feel him kiss the top of my head when I don't respond.

Calum pulls out his phone and snaps some pictures with me.

Flight 107 to Adelaide, Australia... Your flight is in 5 minutes.

The intercom startles us and Calum locks his phone and we get up. I game the final sip of my drink and I throw it in the bin.

I intertwine my hand with Calum's and I grab my suitcase with my other hand. He smiles at my actions and he squeezes my hand. We walk over to the others and I see he girls tearing up a little bit.

I let go of Calum's hand and I run up to the girls. They embrace me in a hug and tears prickle my eyes.

"It's gonna be so long until we see each other again!" Tanya exclaims. The girls nod and I hug them again.

"Make sure you choose the right way to go," Zoe says in my ear. I immediately nod and she winks at me.

"I expect a lot of Skype calls and texts." Niomi says seriously. I laugh and I hug them once again.

I all hold hands and we walk over to the guys. Calum and Joe bro hugs all of the guys and even the body guards.

I go over to the rest of the boys and i hug each and every one of them.

Flight to Adelaide, Australia... Your flight is in 2 minutes, please board the plane.

The girls whine and I pulls them in for a seperate hug each.

They mumble their goodbyes into my ear and I lock hands with Calum again. He kisses my hand and Joe comes over to us.

"Goodbye guys," we all say to the others.

With a final wave, the three of us board the plane.

"I guess I'm the third wheel?"

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