Are you ready ?

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Kelley's POV


No one's called me that in public since we won in Dallas. Everybody knew it and watched Tobin totally shocked.

Tobin came up to me without taking his eyes off me and took my face in his hands. She wiped away my tears with her thumbs and raised my head.

T: "Kelley... Kelley, my love..."

Julie's mouth was open.

K: "Tobin? What was the day you asked me to marry you?"

Tobin's eyes glowed with the light of that day and the smile I loved so much reappeared.

T: "August 4th. The day a goddess was born." she said sarcastically as she remembered what I'd told Jill.

I don't hesitate for a second and jumped into her arms and held on to her neck as tightly as I could. I cry all the tears of my body on her shoulder and she buries her head in my neck. We were beating in unison again after weeks of agony.

Alex and Christen breathed a sigh of relief.

Tobin swirled me with happiness and kissed me. Julie approached us and asked Tobin.

J : "Who saved Kelley in the parking lot in Dallas?"
T: "ME!" Tobin shouted proudly.
J : "I just wanted to make sure you weren't just playing games to keep Kelley in line."
T : "I'm not. I remember everything and the promise I made to her."
J: "Tobin Powell Heath! If you ever hurt her again, I swear it's gonna end badly for you. I don't care if you have amnesia or not!"
K: "Julie..."

Tobin laughed and kissed me again.

Carli: "Toby's got his memory back!"
T: "Just because I have my memory back doesn't mean you have to call me Toby, Carlos!"
Carli: "No, not Carlos!"

The team explodes with laughter and joy and comes over to give Tobin a hug.

Ashlyn: "Well, it's not that I'm not happy for you guys, but I'm hungry!"

I laugh and sit at the table with Tobin.

T: "Alex... I'm really sorry about the last few weeks... Christen too. Please, I hope you can forgive me."
A: "We don't blame you, Tobin. Not for chasing me. But we do blame you for not listening to us when we told you Kelley was the person you loved. And also for hurting her so badly when she didn't deserve it at all."
T: "I know I'm really sorry..."

She turned to me.

T. "I'm so sorry, baby..."
K: "Tobin, I love you... Even though you said some pretty traumatic words for me, I don't blame you."

She looked at me with a worried look on her face.

T: "Do you still want to marry me?"
K: "Of course!" I laughed back.

I quickly put a kiss on her lips before concentrating on my dessert.

I smiled like an idiot until Morgan spoke.

Morgan: "Tobin, what was the trigger? How could you get your memory back in one fell swoop?"

The table was silent and all eyes turned to Tobin who had choked on his strawberry shortcake.

T: "Um... I'm not sure if it's an exact science... But, uh... When I was blindfolded after practice on the sandlot, I had to develop my other senses besides sight. I can hear better or higher pitched sounds for example. But that is also the case with taste and smell."
Allie: "Taste?"
T: "While I was recovering, Kelley was cooking for both of us. And she had this stupid little game of making me eat anything! So if I didn't want to die of intoxication I had to figure out what kind of food tastes and smells like. Besides, have you ever tasted Kelley's cooking? It's a disaster!"
K: "Heeeeee!" I said as I pinched her arm.
T: "Ow! It's not my fault! One day you told me you were making carbonara pasta but you forgot the water! It was carbonara pasta!"

The team started laughing, but so did some of our table neighbors.

T: "Maybe, but I'm not the one who ate dog food thinking it was cereal!"
A: "And bam! Take that, Tobin."

Alex laughed.

Rose: "And bam!"
K: "It's like a chocapic!"

Morgan broke up the joke by asking the question again.

Morgan: "But then Tobin, did the restaurant kitchen remind you who Kelley is because she's as bad as his?"
K: "Ahaha!" I said ironically and pouting.
T: "Ahaha no. When Kelley came up behind me, I didn't see her. I only smelled her perfume. It was the one she was wearing the day she agreed to become my wife. I guess that memory was powerful enough to give me back my memories."

I had tears in my eyes as I listened to her.

Team: "Owwwww!"

Julie whispered in my ear, "See, I told you love conquers all."

Jill stood up and raised her glass.

Jill : "I'd like to make a toast. To having Tobin back in our midst and most importantly, to our future fourth star, now that my stroke is saved."

We all got up and raised our glasses.

Jill: "It's a good thing I only have couples of women here... I don't have to worry about condom issues."

Everyone laughed while I blushed violently.

Twenty minutes later, we all leave for the hotel. Jill gave final instructions and the curfew time.Tobin changed rooms and moved into mine. We have some catching up to do.

I huddled up with her. We both smiled like two children at their birthday present, except mine doesn't need batteries.

K: "Are you ready to win the World Cup?"

Tobin nodded his head and pressed his lips against mine.

T: "Are you ready to be my wife and start our family ?" she smiled.

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