Chapter 47

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I wake up, realizing what day it is. I wake up Violet beside me.
"Guess what day it is today!" I say excitedly.
"Prom day!" Violet yells, overjoyed. I already asked her out and we're going together.
"Right. Let's go shopping for suits and gowns with our friends later! Dont reveal our outfits till 7, when prom start!" I say.
Violet nods eagerly.

Later at school, I run up to Molten. "So are you gonna ask her out?" I ask eagerly.
"Yeah! Shes coming with me! I'm gonna sneak her out while her dad is working out in the garage because hes abusive and probably Wouldnt let her go if she asked" Molten says happily.
"Wow!" I say happily, "let's go shopping for outfits together?" I ask him.
He shakes his head, "I'm busy, plus I already picked out my outfit." He says, "sorry".
"Its chill. I'll ask someone else" I say.
I scan the crowd for someone I also know as well as I know Molten. Not Puppet, hes my mentor.
"Hmm..." I say, squinting.
"Hey Vincent! Wanna come shopping with me after school for suits?" Someone asks, making me jump.
I turn around, finding myself face to face with Freddy.
"Arent you shopping with Bonnie?" I ask.
"All three of us can go shopping together!" Bonnie pipes up.
"Good idea! Meet me here after school!" I tell them.

I scan the crowd, looking for Teals hair color, which just sohappens to be teal.
I turn around and there she is, "hey Teal Blue!" I call, and she turns around.
"I was wondering-" I start blushing like crazy.
"Spit it out, Maribelle, or I will" she says.
"You know what I'm gonna say?" I ask.
"Yeah. Will you go to prom with me Teal?" She says, mimicking my voice.
I start laughing, "that's not my voice!" I laugh.
"Yeah sure. Anyways I'll go to prom with you. I'm a lesbian and so are you, so its perfect" Teal says.

Ennard and Baby are going together, Springtrap and Mangle, Scraptrap and Goldie, Foxy and Bonnie, Twilight and Freddy, Bon and Chi, Flame and Nightmare Mangle, Nightmare and Nightmarrione, and so on and so forth. Just thought I should tell yall.

After school...

Me, Freddy, and Bonnie are shopping at the mall, like half of the SCS student are, and we're all talking to each other, tryna see where their date is to ignore them. It's hilarious.
"How do I look?" Bonnie asks, coming out of the dressing room.
"You look amazing, Bonnie!" Freddy says.
"Whites not your color, Bonnie. I suggest..." I look at the clothing rack beside me. I move suit after suit aside.
"I dont think suits match you" I tell Bonnie.
I spot something amazing, a dark purple blazer, a red tie, a white shirt for underneath the purple blazer, and black pants.
I grab it, "this is perfect for you, Bonnie!" I exclaim, handing it to him.
"Thanks, Vincent" Bonnie smiles at me before heading back into the changing rooms.
A few seconds later, Bonnie exits the changing room.
"Wow Bonnie! That looks really good on you!" Freddy smiles.
"I agree" Bonnie giggles.
"I knew it! All those years of working in the fashion industry paid off!" I joke, earning a laugh from Freddy and Bonnie.
Bonnie changes out of the outfit and look at Freddy.
"Why dont you choose an outfit, Vincent?" Freddy laughs nervously.
"Not right now, all of my attention is focused on finding YOUR outfit!" I smile, browsing through the clothes.
"A black suit and tie! Perfect!" I exclaim, my eyes lighting up.
I give Freddy the suit and shove him the changing room.
A few seconds later he comes out, hand on his hip.
I start clapping excitedly, "omg! I picked the best outfit for you!" I shriek, overwhelmed with excitement.
Freddy smiles, "I've never seen this side of you Vincent?" He questions.
"Oh this just brings me back to my freshman years of high school, where my parents gave me to this fashion designer and I modeled his designs" i inform.
"I cant wait to see you model your outfit, then!" Freddy says, going to change out of his outfit. A second later he comes out.

I watched, amused, as Vincent looks for a suit he can wear. He has this intense stare, and purple eyes glow with a new light.
I glance at Bonnie, who's gazing into the mall with a faraway look I in his eyes.
"Found it!" Vincent says, making me jump.
He sprints into the changing room and slams the door, locking it.
"Soooo" I say to Bonnie. "Whatcha thinking about?" I ask.
"Foxy" Bonnie sighs dreamily. "Speaking of dates, who are YOU going with?"
"Twilight" I say. "You know, Chica still has to come, date or no date, because shes part of the band, and we're performing tonight. We should get in some extra practice before prom starts" i say.
Bonnie agrees and we hear the lock click open.
Vincent walks out, a black vest, purple, shirt, black tie and pants on. He strikes a few poses, modeling the suit perfectly.
"Oh my god!" I gasp.
"Falling for me already?" Vincent chuckles, folding his arms behind his head.
I shake my head vigorously.
Bonnie laughs, "why dont you just date every guy in our school at this point?"
I shrug.
Vincent changes out of the suit.

I am modeling a purple sparkly dress for my best friend, Teal Blue. She smiles and claps and whistles like the fricking lesbian she is. Shes already wearing a matching Teal sparkly dress to prom.
After I changed out of my dress we pay and excitedly look at each other.
"I cant wait!" We say at the same time, earning laughter from the cashier.

"You two look so cute together!" I tell Night and Nightmare, snapping pictures of them. Their faces are red and they grasp each others hands.
"Now make sure to have gum with you at all times, just in case you two have a make out session that leads that leads to sex after" I smirk.
"Puppet!" Night says, blushing profusely.
"Kidding!" I say.
I glance at the time, "it's almost 7! Lefty! Hurry up!" I say. I'm already in my suit and tie.
"Coming!" Lefty calls from upstairs.
He descends the stairs, and I inhale sharply.
"Just when I thought you couldnt get even more handsome then you already are" i say, wrapping my legs around him and kissing him.
"Um, we're still here" Nightmare says awkwardly.
"Right sorry. We better leave, or we'll be late" I say, and we hop in Leftys car.

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