◇8:Mornig Bird◇

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   I was wake up at the sound of rustling and the light steps in the room.

Lazily opening my eyes I saw the silhouette of a winged lady struggling to get the sleeping bag inside her messenger bag

  I make my self stand up off the comfortable bag that I call my bed to walk towards the struggling mistress
"Do you need a hand?"I chuckle, not just because of her struggle,but also because of how her ears perk up at the sound of my voice. 'Cute'

"O-oh,Luz"She turn her gaze towards me,still holding the now about to bounce off sleeping bag.Her eyes now read distress and nervousness

"d-did I wake you up?"she ask,giving short worried glances at the bag.
"Don't worry,I wake up at this time anyway"I wave a hand"but what are you doing?you could just put it a side whit mine"I motion towards a corner of the room

"Wha-"she was cut as the sleeping bag bounce out because of the pressure she was putting on it,landing in her face,the impact send her backwards falling in her back and she let out an 'oof' once she hit the floor

"I'm fine"she spoke as the sleeping bag was covering most of her

I laugh as I help her up,saying once again the she can just put the bag a side whit mine
"Oh,don't worry,I like to carry it in case that I need to sleep in a camp or something."She laugh,putting a hand on the side of her head

"wait,you won't stay whit us?"I frown
"What,wait luz,you say last night that it was just the night,I mean,i don't  mind,but it doesn't depend on us,it depends on Eda,the house is hers"she say,putting her hands on her waist

"and I don't think that she wants another person,especially me,staying at her house,heck,we barley know and she looks like she doesn't even like me"she frown scratching the back of her neck,gazing at the door

    "It isn't that she doesn't like you,it's just that she's always grumpy when she wants to sleep" I walk towards her sleeping bag and begin to fold it as I continue"and besides,this house is big,and it would be enough to tell her that you can,i don't know,clean up a little and she would agree to let you stay" I hold the now fold sleeping bag towards Noreta"and you are knew here to,which means you don't have nowhere to stay,and a free place doesn't sounds so bad,rigth?"

She sight,taking the bag in her grasp as a smile overtake her features"yeah,it doesn't sound so bad,and you look like a girl who easily gets in trouble,so i do need to keep an eye on you,for now"

  She put the bag in a corner of the room and walk to pick mine,fold it and put it at the side of hers

I smile and let out a chuckle"yeah,that's me"

-Later at the kitchen-

We were arriving the kitchen to find king eating some yellowish slime whit eyes,again.
"Smashed potatoes whit eyes huh?"
"Yep"king reply as he struggle to get to stab the,smashed potatoes?,that's what Noreta say it was,honestly I though it was slime

"Say,are you hungry?"I ask Noreta as I peek inside the fridge"I think there are some apples here"rummaging through the fridge I hear the light laugh of her

"Is that your all day food?"I peek out to see her walk to the table.Whit a flick of her fingers her bag appears  and She place in the middle of the table to then begin to search in it.

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