hurt owls

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Rose was happy. She wasn't having as many nightmares anymore, and the knowledge that she was a part of a group defying Umbridge gave her hope for the future. It was a few days after the meeting before Rose started to lose hope.

"Did a boy just try to climb up the steps?" Rose said with a laugh. There had been loud wailing sound signifying that the steps had been turned into a slide.

"I think so. Let's go see," Hermione said. The two girls made their way down the slide, both laughing when they saw Harry and Ron staring helplessly up the slide.

"Hermione and Rose are allowed in our dormitory! How come we're not allowed up there?" Ron asked.

"It's an old fashioned rule," Hermione said as she got to her feet. Rose stood up after her and the two girls stood smirking at the boys. "Why'd you try getting up there in the first place?"

"To see you-look at this!" Ron said as he dragged them to the notice board.

"She's stopping all clubs and groups? That means-" Rose gasped.

"Someone must have blabbed!" Ron said angrily.

"They can't have blabbed," Hermione said darkly. "I placed a jinx on the paper. If anyone has run off and told Umbridge, we'll know."

"What'll happen to them?" Rose asked, very pleased with Hermione's thinking.

"Let's put it this way, it'll make Eloise Midgen's ance look like a couple of spots," Hermione told her. Rose cringed, knowing that Eloise was known for having really bad acne. "Come on, let's go down to breakfast and see if other houses got the notice too."

It was immediately apparent that everyone knew about the notice. Fred, George, Lee, Ginny and Neville surrounded the quartet the second they sat down.

"Did you see?"

"Do you think she knows?"

"What are we gonna do?"

"We're gonna do it anyways, of course," Harry told them as he grabbed the blueberry muffin out of Rose's hand and handed her a chocolate chip muffin.

"Knew you'd say that!" Fred said proudly as he slapped Harry on the shoulder.

"Here comes Ernie and Hannah...and that Zacharias bloke! It'll look too suspicious if they all come over here," Hermione noticed. She waved them away and they looked at her confused.

"I'll go tell Michael," Ginny sighed as she stood up. "That fool...

"No one looks spotty," Ron noted as he looked around the Great Hall.

"Harry! Ron!"

Angelina was running to them, looking very desperate.

"It's ok," Harry assured her. "We're still doing it-"

"She's including quidditch in this! We have to ask for permission to reform the team!" Angelina informed him.

"What?" Harry asked.

"She can't!" Ron gasped.

"The sign mentions teams, too! Look, Harry...please don't lose your temper with Umbridge again or she might not let us play!" Angelina pleaded.

"Okay, okay...I'll behave myself," Harry promised. Rose let out a tiny snort, knowing how unlikely that was.

"Good," Angelina huffed before walking away.

"It's time for History of Magic," Rose informed her friends as she stood up.

"Bet Umbridge is gonna be in there," Ron groaned. "She hasn't observed him yet."

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