The Random Dream of a Certain Explosive Blond

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When Aizawa comes into the dorms on a Sunday afternoon, when he'd normally be dead to the world, the class was not expecting him to be carrying a child with him. And they definitely weren't expecting the child to be a 6 year old Izuku.

The clamor in the commons stopped abruptly as everyone noticed the newcomer. Eyes boring holes into the small skittish boy who attempts to hide behind Aizawa's legs. Aizawa sighs, "alright," he gets their attention, "Izuku was hit with an out of control quirk about an hour ago. He's 6 and doesn't remember any of you. It'll wear off by Tuesday, hopefully. I'm leaving him with you, please don't do anything." With another sigh, he tries to leave, only to have Izuku still clinging to his leg, eyes wide and fearful.

He starts to try and detach him, but freeze when a loud bang echos through the dorm, causing the boy to jump and look around wildly. Bakugo charges into the room, already pissed at something or another and looks around the room for someone, nearly passing over Izuku before an almost audible record scratch as he zeros in on the kid. "The fuc-"

"Kacchan!" The boy cuts him off, barreling right into his legs, everyone freezes again, wondering what Bakugo will do. Izuku launches into a mumbling spree so fast they're amazed to realize that Izuku's usual mumbling is actually slowed down for their convenience.

"Shut the fuck up, Deku. Yes, I know this is fucking U.A. Yes, I fucking know Eraserhead is our fucking teacher.I don't give a shit about his quirk or hero record. No, this isn't a damn dream. Go bother your fucking friends, shitty Deku."

There was another moment of pause where they realized Bakugo actually understood that word vomit. Kaminari, as usual, opens his mouth, "Bakubro, we didn't know you were a Midori-whisperer."

The deaged boy jumps, having momentarily forgotten about the rest of the room, and hides behind Bakugo's legs, eyes wide, "who are they, Kacchan?"

"Your shitty fucking friends. Go annoy them." Bakugo says roughly then reaches down and grabs Izuku by the scruff and pushes him onto Shoji, who happened to be closest.

Shoji stands there awkwardly holding Izuku as Bakugo storms off, everyone watching him disappear and turning back to Izuku. Izuku blinks big green eyes up at him, before looking around the whole room, seemingly analyzing all of them before stopping at the empty doorway. Tears started falling down his face, setting everyone into a panic, Mina rushing over to try and calm him only to scare him into screaming. Uraraka tries next but he ends up crying harder, wailing for his mom or kacchan. Finally Sero comes over, talking quietly and telling little jokes until he calms down.

Giving weak hics, Izuku reaches out for him and Sero easily takes him, continuing his steady stream of chatter until he laughs and reaches for his face, "you smile funny, sir!"

Half the people watching let out sighs of relief, the other half grab their chests where their hearts are melting at the cute display. Sero laughs, "well, thank you, Izuku! I'm Sero, these are your friends in the future, you want to meet them?"

Izuku blinks before nodding slowly and Sero turns to his classmates and starts introducing them. Soon enough, he's comfortable enough to walk around talking to all of them, fanboying over their quirks and giving excited feedback and commentary.

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