Baby don't like it

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Jaehyun's shocked expression disappeared and he began to laugh.

"That's what I get for not offering you a drink I presume."

My gaze was venomous and called attention to the severity of the situation.

Jaehyun noticed this and returned to his humorless disposition.

"You and I will be married this month," He repeated.

"You must have lost your mind. You and I? Married?" I scoffed.

"As the leader of NCT, I am required to take a wife for reasons of status. It has been decided that you will be that wife."

"So? I'm sure there are tons of other women you could marry, why me?" I demanded.

"It has come to my attention that your involvement in Lucas's death poses a threat to our organization's image. Seeing as how you were the one to kill him and not one of my men, it's likely that this could send a serious blow to us if it gets out that the man responsible for my sister's death was killed by a mere... dancer," He divulged, a speck of distaste coated his voice as he uttered the last two syllables.

"You're crazy. You're telling me you wanna marry me? How did you find the nerve to do that? And while I still have bruises and a crack rib that you gave me," I spat.

I was seething in anger.

"This isn't a matter of want or don't want. This marriage along with the wedding itself will only be for the sake of appearance. If it were my choice, you wouldn't even be here, but now that Wayv wants you, it's in my best interest to keep you here, no matter what it takes."

"You said I was free to leave whenever I wanted!" I slammed my fists on the desk and stood up.

"Well I guess I changed my mind," He declared using a dismissive tone.

"No, I won't. I won't do it."

"You don't really have a choice, kitten."

"This is insane! What on earth makes you think that I would willingly marry you? If you're doing this is for appearances, then... then I'll do everything I can to show everyone just how unwilling I am. I'll act out. I'll... I'll-"

"You will do nothing of the sort." Jaehyun bellowed in a voice, almost intimidating enough to make me back down... almost.

"What are you going to do, kill me?" I challenged.

Jaehyun stood up, his oppressive height adding to his threatening demeanor.

"You will do as I say whether that be going through with the wedding or anything else for that matter. You will behave from now on because if you don't, your friend will pay the price."

The fire that ran through my veins was gone, extinguished by his menacing implication.

"W-what are-"

"Remember how you asked me to check on your friend from the other night? Wendy, was it? Well I had my men check hospital record from that night. It turns out that the nearby hospital treated three patients from the burlesque club the night of your performance and that included your friend, Wendy. Somehow, she sustained the worst injury of all having received a bullet to the chest. Luckily for her, the bullet missed her heart and was easily removed through surgery. I paid her hospital bills anonymously and she was released from the hospital yesterday."

"Wendy's alive?"

I fell back into the chair unable to believe that I had seriously forgotten about my friend these past few days. With everything that had been going on, I hadn't thought of that night since I had made the request in the first place.

"She's alive and will likely go on to live a full and meaningful life having been granted 20 million won to study at whichever university she pleases... as long as you do what I say."

I did my best to fight the tears that already began to stream down my flushed cheeks unaware that Jaehyun's temper had diminished.

I gave up trying to hold back my tears and brought my hands to my face, only removing them when I noticed a felt a nearby presence. I uncovered my eyes to see a handkerchief Jaehyun was offering out for me. He had also returned to a sitting position. I merely stared at him, confused by the gesture.

"I didn't want for things to turn out this way either. I understand why you're upset and I'm sorry for everything that's happened to you because of me. Think of our marriage as an arrangement. Being my wife will offer you a degree of status and wealth, not to mention protection from Wayv. You'll have to act as my wife at social events, but besides that, you'll be free to do as you wish without any disruptions from me." He explained as he avoided my eyes.

"Is that supposed to make me feel better?!" I shouted, ignoring the handkerchief.

"I'd rather you keep me locked up in that room for the rest of my life than spend one minute married to you!"

The neatly folded handkerchief was now wrinkled by his harsh grip and the anger returned to his face.

"Fine! If that's how you're going to be then who am I to deny you your wishes? Stay in your room and rot for all I care," He roared.


Taeyong quickly entered the room.

"Get her out of my sight and don't let her out of her room until I say so," He ordered accidentally knocking over several items on his desk as he abruptly stood up from his desk.

Taeyong escorted me back to my room. The only time he spoke up was to tell me that he'd try to calm Jaehyun down and that I should probably stay in my room until he'd give me the go ahead.

I spent the remainder of the night crying. I cried for Wendy, all the things she went through because of me and for the others who got hurt that night. I mostly cried for myself though. One thing was for sure. I was going to have to marry Jaehyun. 

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