•number thirteen•

872 21 1

*not edited
*mature content lil jellybeans. I advise that all Christian's or any persons with religious beliefs that go against sex before marriage stop reading like right now. I suggest you read something else, like the bible


"Okay okay ladies. Shut up. Arguing isn't going to help the situation" Maximus put himself between Athena and Octavius, who were standing face to face arguing over the theme of the wedding.

Octavius wanted a modern, sleek wedding and a wedding cake shaped as a gun.

However, Athena wanted the elegant, classy and vintage wedding with fairy lights and out in nature.

It was her childhood dream to have that kind of wedding. There were photos of her mothers and fathers wedding on the wall, and it inspired her.

"Daddy. I want the wedding that you and mom had." Athena said looking into her fathers eyes, silently begging him.

"No fair why does she get to manipulate." Octavius said crossing his arms and pouting.

"I am not manipulating" Athena gasped.

"Yes you are" Octavius spit back instantly.

"No I'm not."

"Yes you are"

"No I'm not"

"Yes you-"

They were both cut off from yelling at each other when Maximus dropped his coffee cup on the floor deliberately, letting it smash.

"You two are children. Just agree to disagree and move on. Meet halfway in the middle. Athena you get your fairy lights and Octavius you get your modern wedding. We'll join them together. Just stop bickering like children." Maximus sighed and walked out of the room leaving Octavius and Athena glaring at each other.

"Well. We have less than two weeks until the big day. So I believe that we should work together" Athena said gathering herself.

"Yes" Octavius muttered, shoving past Athena, hitting her on her injured arm that was just recently cleaned and stitched up.

"You mother fucker. Why'd you do that" she frowned and turned around to Octavius who was sitting on the office chair, flipping through magazines.

He looked up at smiled at her.

"Cause I could" he answer causing Athena to smile the tiniest bit.

For the next couple of hours, they planned, laughed, argued and bickered until the details were finally set in place. They finally stopped at 6pm.

"Okay. Now all that's left is for me to buy a dress" Athena sighed and slumped back into her chair.

Octavius also let out a sigh and hopped up, he walked over the Alcohol cabinet and grabbed out the scotch and two glasses.

He say back down and poured the scotch in both, and handed a glass to Athena.

They began chatting away, drinking glass after glass, catching up on each other's lives that they missed.

The gossip session ended up in Athena's bedroom, on her floor on her fluffy carpet, while they laid staring at her roof.

They were onto scotch bottle number 4 and even Octavius could feel himself letting loose.

"You know. I never thought I would ever have a wedding. And get married" Athena said, thinking out loud.

"Me either. But I also never thought that I'd ever have an arranged marriage. That was something I never expected." Octavius said rolling onto his side, propping his elbow up. Athena followed his actions.

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