Ive found puddles deeper than you

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Hunter doesn't wait for me to oblige to answer his questions.

"Your name is Georgia Johnson, correct?" I nod "you and your family are hunters, correct?" I nod "being a hunter runs in your family, it's your heritage, correct?" I nod "you are what they call the princess assassin, correct?" I nod "so, do you know where the book for the grimms are?"

This one actually needed an answer other than a nod of my head. I wonder how he knew about that book, the Grimm books was for hunters and hunters alone, no one knew about them other than hunters that are direct ascendants from the Grimm.  And if someone happens to stumble across it then they wouldn't be able to read it, and if a supernatural touched it they would suffer great pain.

My gaze sharpened on the beast who now stood in front of me, "how do you know about them?" I ask eyebrows furrowed, he growls and my eyes widen "do not ignore me!" I blink startled at his loud voice. I'm right here moron, no need to shout. Inside voices please

"I don't know where they are" I say eyeing him suspiciously, he frowns and runs his hand through his hair frustratingly. I wonder how old he was. Surely he can't be much older than me. Yet he's the king of the werewolves. And what's with the mood swing.

"Have you ever seen one?" I shake my head, "nope" I pop the p and his eyes find mine again. "But you would notice one if you saw one?" I shrug now weighing up my answer, I didn't want to tell him too much. I didn't want him to know that If I was near a book that it would call to me " I've seen pictures"

He growls and turns towards the other kings. "I thought you said Georgia is the last Grimm descendant" sheesh I would not like to be on the receiving end of that anger.

"yes she is, she must know where they are. If it takes some torture to get it out of her then I'll gladly uphold this task. I've been waiting to do it for a while now " I bite my tongue from spluttering something out to Marco, son of a bitch.

Why on earth would they want the Grimm books?

"Don't think for one minute that I won't rip you to shreds Marco. Alliances or not. You are threatening my mate" I raise my lowered head, to see a growling Hunter who was now standing in front of me, protecting me and I did not like that one bit. I could protect myself.

"As much as I'd like to see you try Marco. I'm not lying. One of the hunters anticipated something arising and hid the books, and then killed himself so no one can find the books" I say, moving away from Hunter he lets out a frustrated breath and comes over to me again.

"Why do you want the books? You won't be able to read them or touch them you know" I state looking at them all curiously lacing my questions.

"Look, it's either Hunter you look for the books or we torture something out of her" Says the vampire king, licking his lips eyes never leaving from my neck.

Hunter growls at them hands flexing and eyes darkening. "Coal, take Georgia to the car. I'll be out in a second. Do. Not. Touch her"

"W-what, where are you taking me!" I say turning sharply to Hunter, who was now disregarding me and kept his focus on the vampire king.

I look back at Hunter and see his angry face and glazed over eyes, I've heard of this. It meant he was mind linking someone - talking to someone through his mind.

"Hope you have fun with the mutts darling, don't forget the promise I made to you Georgia. Now your free it will be so much easier now" Marco says chuckling darkly to me.

"You son of a bitch, I'll fucking kill you! You hear me! I'll disfigure your pretty little face so much that you'll want to die!" He chuckles at that "I'd love to see you try sweetheart" I roar once more.

The alphas assassinWhere stories live. Discover now