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THE NEXT MORNING, THEY WERE SAYING GOODBYE TO DURMSTRANG AND BEAUXBATONS. Lorelei stood on the side with the twins, Lee, and Angelina waiting to get on the carriages to Hogsmeade. Her friends waved goodbye to the descending boat and flying carriage, but Lorelei stood there solemn. She was ready to go home.

On the train, Lorelei was glad to have a bit of peace as Angelina and Lee spoke softly to each other. They knew the girl was frightened and frustrated, so they let her talk to them at their own pace. All four knew that things were only going to get worse from here, so they tried to make light of the situation now. Lorelei really couldn't have had better friends.

Fred nudged her. "Want to go see Harry before we get to King's Cross?"

Lorelei nodded and grabbed George's outstretched hand. After telling Lee and Angelina that they were going, they left to find the Golden Trio. When they did, they saw Crabbe, Goyle, and Malfoy taunting them from outside of their compartment. Snarling a bit at the three Slytherins, Lorelei saw Fred take out a few of their new firework products and smirk in their direction. Taking out their wands, he let the fireworks go as the three sent a hex at each Slytherin. Without realizing, the Golden Trio had also sent a hex to each boy.

"Thought we'd see what you three were up to," Fred said stepping onto Goyle to get into the compartment.

George snorted as he looked at Crabbe. "Interesting effect. Who used the Furnunculus Curse?"

"Me," said Harry, as the trio stood there with their wands out.

"Odd," Lorelei said as she stared at his face. "George used Jelly-Legs. Looks as though those two shouldn't be mixed."

George laughed at Lorelei. "Yeah. He seems to have sprouted little tentacles all over his face. Well, let's not leave them here, they don't add much to the decor."

George, Harry, and Ron moved the three fourth-year Slytherins out of the compartment with ease as Lorelei walked past to sit next to Fred. She watched as Brizo jumped onto Hermione's lap next to Crookshanks. Lorelei sighed and leaned on George's shoulder when he sat next to her.

"Exploding Snaps, anyone?" Fred asked. The boys played while Lorelei let her eyes shut, but she was awake.

Five games had passed when Harry had asked, "You going to tell us, then? Who you were blackmailing?"

"Oh," said George. "That."

Lorelei's eyes shot open in anger. Frustration rolled off of her because they hadn't even been able to get their gold. With everything that had happened, the trio had given up on their gold because there was no use. Bagman disappeared, and they were not going to find him. This year felt like four years in one. She shook her head. "It doesn't matter," her voice scared Harry as he thought she was sleeping, his body jumping at the sudden voice.

Fred agreed darkly. "It wasn't anything important. Not now, anyway."

"We've given up," George said, shrugging when Lorelei sat up.

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