An alliance

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*Third point view*

Next week after the festival, the master explained how Laxus got the dragon slayer magic ability. It surprised everyone, even Natsu and Luca. Since he was asleep. In private, Gramps told Luca that he told Laxus the whole story of his past making Luca understand his reason and worried for more to know about it.

The thunder legion were able to open up to the whole guild since Laxus had left. "Hey Luca I just realize they hang out with you more often, why is that?" Lucy asked him. "I use to be in the thunder legion in the past. So they're more use to talking me the most." Luca said to her making it a surprise.

"It's true but it was a short period. He decide to leave to join the others on their mission." Freed said for Luca. "You were so adorable. Even more adorable little prince." Evergreen said while squishing Luca's face. Lucy and Luca just sweatdropped by her action. Lucy left Freed, Evergreen, and Bickslow with Luca by the bar. "Freed... I've been meaning to ask you something. It's about what happen back at the cathedral." Luca said anxiously. "Yes? What a about it?" Freed questioned. "When you released the enchantments... did I by any chance try to hurt?" He asked cupping his hands together.

He suspected Luca couldn't remember anything that had happen after the transformation. "No, do not worried. You didn't leave a single scratch on me." Freed responded as in reassurance. Luca sighed in relief. "Thank goodness! I don't think I would've every forgiven myself if I did." Luca said. "I'm glad to hear this Freed. Well see you guys tomorrow." Luca said getting up from the stool to leave. When he left, Bickslow and Evergreen notice Freed's expression changed.

"Dude you okay?" He asked. "To be quite honest... no I'm not. I lied to Luca. He really did try to attack me." Freed answered. "Then why didn't you tell him the truth." Evergreen asked knowing it was wrong to ask. "You heard what he said... he wouldn't be able to forgive himself if he knew." He answered. "So what really happened? Come on man! Don't leave us hanging." Bickslow asked. He wasn't sure whether say anything or not. "All I can say is... when I open his second magic. A monster with power hunger was release and as long as it's not being fed. We can be at ease." Freed said remembering it.

-the next day-

A news reporter from sorcerer weekly is suppose to be at the guild interviewing people. Luca wasn't interested in being on the weekly.

"When were at the guild, how are you hide going to hide the fact your •The ocean prince•?" Isaac asked him. "Easy I'll just wear a mask like I usually do." Luca told him while grabbing a mask before they leave.

At the guild they could see the reporter going around interviewing people. "Hey Luca... what's with the mask?" Lucy asked. "Oh hey sis, I'm not a big fan of getting my picture taken, so I'll wear this mask." He said to her laughing nervously.

"I'm taking my guess your the ocean prince I've be hearing about!" The interviewer pop out of nowhere said. "Yeah" He answered so nervous about the interview. "So cool! Now tell me what's your favorite food?" "I would say banana bread or strawberry cake like Erza."

"Is it true you refer to the whole guild members as brothers and sisters?"
"Of course, everyone treats me like family. I love them." "Also your dragon slayer magic is like Natsu the salamander and Iron fist Gajeel. Which one do you think is stronger?"

*Luca point view*

He really have to ask me that?! I could feel Natsu and Gajeel glaring behind me. "Well I would say they both are strong. As a S-class wizard, they would need to build more of their strengths if they ever want to achieve their goal." I said. I could hear them sigh in disappointment by my answer.

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