book 1 - chapter 15

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I feel everyone's eyes on me, yet I can't look away from those piercing sky-blue eyes staring at me.

"I'm still waiting for you to agree on our date." Tahno says softly, smirking at me. He steps eerily close to me, making my breath hitch.

Before I can bring myself to say anything, Korra interrupts harshly: "I hope we do see you in the finals. Then, you'll see who the losers really are."

"I think you would know if I was talking to you, Uh-vatar." He snaps back, without even bothering to look up at her. "So, how 'bout it? Tonight, after the match?"

I gulp. I don't think I want to go out with Tahno. Yet, he's the first guy that has expressed any type of blatant romantic interest in me. The options tumble back and forth in my brain.

My pulse starts racing and I can't thing of a single thing to say. "Um..."

Suddenly, I feel someone grab my wrist and pull me back. I see Mako step in front of me and cover me with his arm. "Step away, Tahno." He hisses.

"Yeah." Bolin sneers, stepping next to his brother. "Don't talk to her, y-you turtle duck!"

"Okay." Tahno says, stepping away. "I'm peeing my pants over here. Hope to see you soon though, Luna." He winks at me and then steps into the elevator.

The way he said my name makes my stomach sink. I don't know if I'm relieved or disappointed. My mouth feels dry. Once again, everyone's eyes are on me.

"What the hell was that about?" Mako sneers at me, looking at me with a potent anger in his eyes.

"I think it was pretty obvious what he wanted, bro." Bolin comments. "I mean, how can you miss that?"

"Yeah, we get that you're protective over Luna, but she's a big girl." Korra chirps. "She can date who she wants."

Mako doesn't seem happy with the comments going around the room. I feel his eyes on me and turn to meet them. He wants me to talk. He wants me to say something. Yet, I can't think of a thing to say.

Just as if on cue, Asami steps in, announcing her return by congratulating her boyfriend. "Great job!" She exclaims, as she slams into his arms. Then, she turns to face my best friend. "And what a comeback, Korra. I've never seen a hat-trick like that!"

I see Korra smile. "Thanks. But if it hadn't been for you and your father, we wouldn't have had the chance to play. So, thank you."

A sense of pride hits me once I see how much Korra has matured overnight. It seems that she realized that her actions, motivated by selfish agendas, can really hurt people. She appears to acknowledge and respect Mako's relationship. I smile widely. 

"Uh, if everyone's done with the little thank you party," Bolin suddenly interrupts. "I need some medical attention over here."

Just as I was about to go over to him, Korra abruptly makes her way to Bolin. "Ooh, let me help!"

She places her hand on his shoulder in order to examine the injury, which results in Bolin groaning in pain. "Ow! Ah! Haven't you hurt me enough, woman?"

Korra and I giggle. "Relax! I'm a healer." She explains as she bends some water to wrap her hand and activates its healing properties. "I learned from Luna and Katara, the best there is."

Bolin turns to look at me with puppy-dog eyes, as if looking for my affirmation. I nod at him to let him know that he's in good hands.

"No, no, no." Bolin says in fear as Korra places her hands on his shoulder. As the pain subsides, Bolin relaxes. "Ohhh, that's the stuff."

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