Tomorrow, Then

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Katsumi perched herself on Kyo's desk, swinging her legs thoughtfully as she gazed out the window watching the cherry blossoms blow gently in the breeze. Katsumi, and Kyo had been glued to each others side since the night she had confessed Akito's attempted murder. Her fingers graze the empty spot on her wrist where her bracelet once had laid, her stomach lurched as her fingertips meet skin. She laid awake all night that night, regretting her decision to toss away her most treasured item. Katsumi missed Yuki, just seeing the sight of him made her heart ache.

"Aw, the first-years were adorable! Even if some of them looked totally lost. The three of you really missed out by not coming to the opening ceremony to wish them well." Tohru sighed, clasping her hands together with a happy smile.

"Sounds horrible."

"Hard pass."

"I can see Momiji, and Haru whenever I want too."

"I'm already suffering through this hay fever. Put me in a loud, cramped room and I'd be in hell." Uo-Chan complained, the mask moving with her mouth as she spoke.

"Stop complaining, and take some meds." Kyo deadpanned, not looking up from his book.

"They don't work for me. Maybe all those drugs in my rebellious youth were a mistake." She agonized, Katsumi shared a look with Kyo.

"What drugs are you talkin' about?" He asked for her, finally looking up from his manga.

"I'm surprised you're not with the prince Sumi, usually you follow him around like a little duck." Uo-Chan said, she looked away from her friend, running her fingers through her hair.

"Well, everyone on the ceremony committee's really busy today. So she can't really..." Tohru explained, looking over at her with a worried expression.

"Man, sounds like a rough life. Plus, I bet he's getting mauled by lovestruck first-years already. I wouldn't be surprised if the prince ends up student council president this year. The current one should focus on his own issues." Uo-Chan says, ending with a sneeze.

"Kyo, please fix your shoes!" Katsumi whines, stuffing his heels back into his shoes.

"Why do you insist on fixing them everytime!" He shouts, glaring at her.

"Because it's improper! Don't you ever wanna get a girlfriend one day?!" She retaliates, crossing her arms with a huff.

"What does that have to do with anything!" Kyo cries, throwing his arms up in the air.

"Women like proper gentlemen, you're anything but that so you should really at least wear your clothes properly." Katsumi says with a shake of her head, puffing out her cheeks.

"You... You're insane!" He informs her with a scowl, she sticker her tongue out at him.

"At least I'm not a slob," she sneers.

"Tohru, I picked up some waves from the adults area that felt like they might belong to Shigure." Hana-Chan said, drawing her attention away from a now cranky Kyo.

"Oh. Right. He should be here. There are a couple of new Sohma's who are entering the school as first-years." Tohru nods, holding up a finger.

"Hold on a sec, you're saying more Sohma's go here now?" Uo-Chan says, her eyes going wide.

"That's right, two boys. My twin brother actually, you met him at the culture festival." Katsumi announces, grinning brightly.

"Kyon, bring the newbies here." Uo-Chan calls, snapping a finger at him.

"Yes, go. Let's see them." Hana-Chan agrees, turning to look at them.

"Why do I have to? Just send those two instead. They're already planning to say 'hi,' I bet." He accuses, pointing to Tohru.

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