Book 4 chapter 4

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Meeting Toph was an unexpected but thrilling experience. She was renowned as one of the greatest earthbenders in the world, and you couldn't believe you were getting the chance to converse with her.

Y/n: (enthusiastic) I'm a huge fan of yours, Toph. Your adventures, especially with Avatar Aang, have left me in awe.

Toph: (nonchalant) Save the hero-worship. I've had my share of that.

Y/n: (quick to clarify) Oh, I wasn't asking for an autograph, I promise.

Toph: (grinning) Good. We're here for something more exciting.

Before you could react, Toph was already in her battle stance. You barely had time to prepare yourself, but you managed to keep up with her attacks, dodging as many as you could. Korra was holding her own, but Toph's earthbending skills were on a whole different level. It almost seemed like Toph enjoyed having a couple of sparring partners to test her abilities on.

Y/n: Hey, can we catch a breather? I feel like I'm about to become a permanent part of the ground here.

Toph: Breaks are for amateurs, kid. Tell me, what did you mess up this time?

Korra: Well, I assumed you were going to...

Toph: Exactly, you assumed. Try again.

Training with Toph isn't a walk in the park. Both Korra and I are finding it tough to keep up with her. As we attempt to dodge her attacks, we're frequently caught off guard and sent sprawling.

Toph: Pathetic. You two are making me miss the good old days.

Y/n: Wait, you've trained more than one Avatar before?

Toph: Well, you know, just one. But that's more than enough.

She nonchalantly removes a leech from Korra's arm.

Korra: You seem to be enjoying having someone around to spar with.

Toph: Yeah, these sandbenders can't take a hit. It's a bit of a letdown.

Korra: So, why isolate yourself from the world?

Toph: I'm more connected to the world than you'll ever be. I sense everything, the roots and vines that stretch across the world. Su and Lin, Zaofu, Republic City... I see it all.

Y/n: So, you're like a human tracker. My studies weren't off the mark.

Toph: Call it what you want, kid, but...

Toph uses mudbending to knock away Korra, who was planning a sneak attack.

Toph: You're just a pebble compared to me.

Lending a hand, I helped Korra back to her feet, concern etched on my face.

Y/n: You okay, Korra?

Korra: Yeah, but I definitely need a breather. That was intense.

Toph: Ha! Speak for yourselves. I had a blast!

Y/n: Well, it's easy for you to enjoy when you're not the one being treated like a human pinball the whole time.

Toph: I've missed tormenting the Avatar. You two could've given me a better challenge, but it was still fun.

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