15: A Traitor's Mistake

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TW: Minor to moderate Gore

-October 10 1991-
It had been ten days since Little One was brought back home, and in that time, Voldemort's desire to murder and destroy everyone who had a hand in his kidnapping increased dramatically. When Little One was first brought back, he seemed to be acting exactly like his usual self. However, a few hours after he woke up from his fitful sleep proved Voldemort wrong.

Little One refused to leave Voldemort's side (which suited him just fine, as Voldemort didn't want Little One out of his sight anyway). He stayed within two feet of Voldemort at all times, and when he wasn't sitting comfortably in Voldemort's arms, he was clutching Voldemort's robes like a vice, his emerald eyes flitting back and forth as if looking for someone to try and pry him away from Voldemort.

He didn't approach anyone, and he rarely gave out flowers. It was a sobering sight to see his precious act so drawn in on himself. He climbed into Voldemort's bed after Voldemort tucked him every night, to the point where, eventually, Voldemort just started tucking him in in his own bed.

He was terrified of being far away from Voldemort, and when Voldemort tried to pass him off to the Malfoy Matriarch so he could attend a meeting, Little One had thrown an honest-to-Merlin tantrum.

(Voldemort had never, never seen Little One throw a fit before. From his time with those damned muggles, he learned to never make a scene and draw attention to himself. Even when he felt safe to show emotions around Voldemort, he was always docile and accommodating. Yet Little One kicked the ground and let out the softest cries and screeches and refused to let go of Voldemort's robes.)

(Little One ended up sitting on his lap during the meeting.)

After a week of being in Voldemort's presence twenty-four/seven, Little One mellowed out. He wasn't insisting on being with Voldemort all the time, but he didn't enjoy being away from him for more than a few hours. And Nagini had to be with him no matter what, or he wouldn't go.

When he brought his concerns to Narcissa, she smiled at him and said with a sad tone, "He's traumatized from the kidnapping. He was forced to stay away from his... father for a very long time without knowing what was going on." she then frowned. "My Lord, had Little One told you what happened over there?"

Voldemort had shook his head. "He has said nothing."

"Do you think they hurt him?"

Voldemort's eyes had flashed at the thought, but he shook his head. He had sent her away after that, but the question rang in his ears for days after that. He didn't think Dumbledore would stoop low enough to hurt a toddler, Inferius or not, and the fact that Little One used to be the son of two of his followers... No, Dumbledore wouldn't dare... Would he?

Voldemort had found himself watching Little One closely after that, his eyes appraising every strange, out of character thing Little One did. He searched for any signs of abuse---flinching, greedy eating, ect.---but found nothing. But that did nothing to soothe his fears, after all, Little One was used to hiding abuse. (The very thought made Voldemort's stomach roll.)

But despite the struggles Voldemort saw as Little One was adjusting, Little One seemed to be doing better. That was why Voldemort decided to have the meeting today.

For the past ten days, while Voldemort and Narcissa stressed over Little One's strange behavior, Lucius and the rest of Inner Circle were conducting the search for the traitor.

Voldemort could see how strained things were amongst his ranks. Everyone who had been in the Dark Lord's Castle when Little One was kidnapped had been locked in and brought back. No one was allowed to leave his Castle until the search was over and the traitor was found.

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