chapter ten

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Rowyn breathed in the ocean breeze and held it for a moment before releasing it. With her legs crossed beneath her and her eyes resting shut, she balanced on the edge of the bridge that overlooked the ocean.

Every morning she awoke at dawn to meditate—something that Aslan taught her to do many years back—in order to calm and tame the fire in her . . . to keep her gift at bay.

It had been five years since she and the Pevensie siblings became Kings and Queens of Narnia and Aslan met with the now nineteen-year-old once a month to help her learn more about her gift.

Rowyn took in another deep breath and released it. Letting the air fuel the fire in her chest and then dwindle it as she let the air out. She focused her hearing on the loud ocean waves as them crashed into the rocks below her.

A suddenly jag in her side made the young girl nearly fall off the edge and burn the person who did it. "Edmund!" She shouted and the fire left her palm. Rowyn glared at the man and slapped his shoulder. "You ass! I could've hurt you!"

Edmund was laughing hard at her frustrated tone as he held her waist from when she nearly fell off the edge. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry." He said as his laughed calmed down a bit but didn't stop. She glared at him once more and he took a deep breath and cleared his throat. "I just wanted to say good morning." He told her, his silver crown twinkling in the rising sunlight.

Rowyn swung her legs back over the edge and place her feet back down on the bridge. "I can think of a few better ways to say that then nearly forcing me to fall to my death." She mumbled and brushed off the bottom of her pine green dress.

Edmund smiled at the girl and stifled another laugh. "Well, good morning." He smiled at her and wrapped his arm around her shoulder as they walked back to the castle for breakfast. Rowyn smiled and wrapped her arm around his waist.

Over the last five years, the pair got closer as they soon found out that no one else understood their trauma from the White Witch—their nightmares. Only Rowyn understood Edmund to the extent that he needed someone too and vise versa. They were so close that many Narnians were expecting them to court each other, but Edmund and Rowyn held strictly sibling love for the other.

"Do you think Peter would be willing to train with me sometime soon?" She asked, moving her head to look at him as they passed by their people who sent them bright smiles—which they returned.

Edmund looked down at her and smirked. "You realize I'm the best swordsman in all of Narnia, right? I'll kick you to the dirt, Peter would accidentally hurt you and freak out."

Rowyn removed her arms from him and pulled out of his grasp. She scoffed playfully. "Oh will you shut up, Peter could kick my ass if he wanted to." She crossed her arms and stopped walking.

Edmund's shoulders shook with amusement as he stopped walking too and turned to her. "I bet you'd love for him to." He smirked at her.

Rowyn's eyes widened and she slapped his shoulder. "Stop that!" Edmund chuckled more and began to make kissing noises towards her. "I hate you."

"You love me." He laughed back and smiled at her.

"I'm hungry." She said suddenly and crossed her arms, glaring playfully at the King. "We should head up to breakfast before Peter eats it all." Rowyn picked up the ends of her dress and began walking the rest of the way towards the castle with Edmund behind her a few steps.

When the pair entered the dining hall, Susan and Lucy looked up at them and smiled widely. "Good morning!" Lucy's smile radiated through the hall and Rowyn couldn't stop the one that form on her mouth as a result.

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