12: Pain

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Ignore mistakes, please

Third person P.O.V

*Warning- Sexual assault"

"Ask for help from your Dad." Taehyung froze on the spot as he looked up with his teary eyes.

"WHAT? DO AS I SAY." Jungkook again growled and Taehyung flinched so badly that Namjoon felt like he was a small child being scolded by someone.

Taehyung was in his own thoughts that he didn't see Jungkook coming to him and again punched him in the stomach, causing him to double over in the seething pain.

"ARE YOU DEAF? DO IT.. HURRY." Taehyung whimpered, clutching the abused and definitely bruised stomach, and nodded furiously in the end.

He licked his dry but bloodied lips and looked up at the camera that was placed in front of him.

"P-please help me.. h-help me please." He repeated the words with his broken voice and Jungkook clenched his fists.

"Say further." He whisper-yelled at the blond who bit his lip as a new stream of tears started to flow down his cheeks.

"H- help me please... d- ... h- help m- e. D-" He covered his face with his palms and shook his head while crying, the thick clogging in his throat rendered him a stuttering mess.

"I-i can't... I can't ask for help from the p-person who is a m- murderer-- I can't... I can't." He was feeling so many emotions at the moment. The person he looked for his whole life, the person he just wanted to be with as a happy family... the person that was a murderer, how he could ask for help from him when he was the reason for everything?

Jungkook frowned when he saw him like that, his shaking shoulders or like a whole shaking figure made his previous rage shake as well.

Yoongi was silently watching the crying boy when Jungkook grabbed the camera from the table and handed that to Namjoon.

"Send the video to the main email address of Kim Enterprise... every company should receive this video before morning... and yeah edit the last part." He ordered Namjoon who quietly took the camera and left the room, thinking that everything was ended. But oh... he was so wrong.

Jungkook couldn't control his anger yet, he just can't bear that smile of his worst enemy which was a great mock to his existence. He can't bear that... not a bit. And unfortunately, Taehyung was the one to bear his anger at the moment.

Yoongi cocked his brow when Jungkook glanced over at him.

"What?" Yoongi raised his one brow and Jungkook just gave him a look that he got immediately.

"Can I?" A glint of excitement filled in eyes of the boy.

Jungkook didn't glance over at Taehyung again and told Yoongi something before leaving the small room, not before shutting the door close harshly. Yoongi smirked... full of happiness and excitement.

"Finally." He mumbled to himself before walking towards the crying blond who had his hands still over his face.

What Jungkook said to Yoongi?

"Do whatever you want."

"Stop crying, beautiful." Yoongi said once he heard the locking of the door. Taehyung removed his hands and slowly looked up. For a moment he was confused when he saw no one else in the room besides the scary man but deep down, he felt something wrong.

"They are gone beautiful... now it's just you... and I." Yoongi said once he felt the confused look of the blond.

Taehyung got afraid when he heard those words which sounded very twisted and on instinct, he tried to scoot away from the person, looking at him like prey.

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