28 - meet again

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I get in my car and start driving to the address yoongi gave me. And i'm secretly hoping he didn't do something stupid in there.

Just a thought of him doing something stupid at the club makes me drive faster to reach the destination quickly.

After i arrived at the club my eyes automatically look to the clubs door and immediately found yoongi laughing like a crazy person and having a so called 'conversation' with a wall.

I got out of my car and start approaching him.

"hEy WaLL wHaT iS yOuR nAmE?" he slurred.

"wHaT yOu DoN't HaVe A nAmE?" he suddenly get sad and i could see his eyes watering.

"tHaT's sO sAd. bUt dOn'T wOrRy, i WiLL gIvE yOu A nAmE. uMmMmMmmM. hOw AbOuT wALLiE? wHaT? yOu LikE iT? oKaY jUsT rEmEmBeR tHaT i, MiN mEoW mEoW hAs gIvE yOu tHaT nAmE!" he said.

'okay i can't bare with this anymore. i need to stop this.'

"Hey yoongi! come here let's go to your dorm!" i said to him.

He turned his head to look at me and squinting his eyes, probably trying to figure out who am i.

After sometime he finally say something.

"Oh y/N~~ yOu'Re hErE!! yOu'Re AcTuAlly hErE!!!" he said excitedly.

"Yes i'm actually here now let's go." i said while dragging him back to my car.

I'm surprised that there's no army who recognize him while passing by.

'wait. idk where is his dorm.'

"yoongi can you tell me the way to your dorm?" i asked.

"hUh? oH oKaY. jUsT gO sTrAiGhT tHeN tUrN LeFt tHeN tUrN RiGhT tHeN gO uP aNd tHeN gO dOwN." he answered.

' why am i stuck with a drunk yoongi again? i'm so done with him.'

"yoongi please tell me the real way." i sighed.

"oKaY bAbE."


We finally arrived at his dorm and thankfully we didn't get lost on the way here. Right now i'm trying to get yoongi got out of the car.

"yoongi get out of the car now! it's almost morning. i need to go to sleep."


I sighed.

Without thinking twice, i pull him out of the car but of course still being careful so that he wouldn't fall to the ground.

"nOoO y/N~ pUt mE bAcK iN ThE cAr."

I didn't answer him cause honestly i'm just so done with his shit.

I finally made it to the front door with yoongi's right hand on my shoulder so that i could help him walks.

I knocked once.


Since there's no respond i decided to bang the door so whoever is inside could hear me.

"coming!!!" i heard a faint voice.

The door opened and shows the oldest member of the group. I could tell that he just woke up from his deep slumber.

𝑰𝒏𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒈𝒓𝒂𝒎 - 𝑴.𝒚𝒈 𝒇𝒇Where stories live. Discover now