Private Talk

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-Haneul POV-

After about 20 minutes of walking, I finally arrived to school. Before I could find anyone Hoseok came up to me.

He hugged me saying, "Ah, only a couple of days away from each other and I already missed you."

I smiled to myself. Hobi was definitely the sweetest friend I ever had. He's always so nice to everyone and only wishes for the best. That was the reason we became friends in the first place.

"Hey lovers," Yeonha came up to us and wrapped her left arm around me and her right arm around Hoseok.

As the others slowly began arriving we started talking and walking until we saw Taehyung running toward us.

Out of breath, he began speaking really fast. "Oh my god, Haneul! First off all, congratulations to your mom for the child! Second, I am so so so sorry for not texting all weekend! Also for not going to the meeting for the project! Please, forgive me Haneul!"

Before I could say anything Soomin said, "Maybe catch your breath first?"

"Yeah, sorry.."

I let him breathe before talking. "Of course I forgive you Taehyung, but where were you and why didn't you answer anyone? I was genuinely worried for you."

"Aw you were worried for me?" He smirked

"Yah! Seriously, answer my questions." I slapped his arm.

"My family forced me to go to Japan with them this weekend. The place we stayed at didn't have service. I'm sorry, I should have told you guys first."

"Hold on. You went to Japan?" Hoseok had never been anywhere outside of South Korea, so anytime he heard that someone else had he became very interested.

"Uh... Yeah... family emergency." He seemed unsure of his words but I decided to ignore it.

"Alright Taehyung, we're just glad you're back."

"We? Speak for yourself Haneul." There was an awkward silence after what Jimin said. "I was kidding. You guys didn't believe I meant that right? Taehyung's my bro." He laughed nervously.

3.5 hours later

It was finally lunch. I was nearly starving as I forgot to have breakfast this morning. I walked into the lunchroom and saw Jimin and Yoongi standing in line to get lunch.

Glad that I wasn't the last only one left in the lunchroom, I cheerfully walked over to them.

"Hey guys," I had a big smile on my face.

They were shocked to hear me and looked uncomfortable.

"Haneul! Hey. How long were you standing there??"

"Yeah, were you eavesdropping on us?"

"What? I just got here, so no, I wasn't eavesdropping. You guys are always hiding something from me. You know it upsets me." I had forgotten about the incident that happened at the cafe just a couple of days ago.

"Maybe we should just tell her, Jimin."

"Alright, fine. Haneul, stay back at the rooftop after lunch. We'll  talk to you privately there."

Oh gosh. I don't like where this is going. A private talk? Did I do something?

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