Chapter 22

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The group had decided to split up. One half was going to the dorms to search through Audrey's stuff while the other half would go look for Ben in the forest. The two groups almost were split between the girls and the boys, but since they didn't know what kinds of obstacles Audrey could have placed around Ben, the guys needed a little bit of magic. In this case in the form of a flute. 
     Myra actually wanted to see the dorm rooms, she wanted to have a small taste of life in Auradon Prep. But Mal didn't trust Uma to go with Harry and Gil out of her site, so Myra was the unlucky winner of guy-sitting. 
     Right now, Myra was getting behind on her group. The boys were all way in front of her, spreading out to cover more ground, but not that far away from each other that they couldn't see one another. Correction- not far enough away that Jay and Carlos could'n't keep an eye on Harry and Gil. Somehow, Myra got a pass for having to be under surveillance. 
     "Ben!" Carlos called out, followed by Gil. 
     It had been hours since they had started looking for the King of Auradon and Myra still hadn't stopped being enchanted by the beauty of nature. Lunch was eager to get off her shoulder and explore the forest on his own. But after loosing him not that long ago in the same environment Myra didn't feel comfortable with that. After the fifth escape attempt of Lunch, this time through jumping off her shoulder onto a weird looking statue that stood in the forest, Myra lifted him up and put him in her pocket.
     "That was the last time, Lunch." She spoke sternly into her pocket at her rat. "I'm not loosing you again. Understood?" There was a trace of disappointment in the rat's eyes, but he eventually lay his head down in defeat. Curling his tail around his body. Myra knew her companion well enough to know he was sulking.
     "How's Lunch doing?" Carlos spoke up from beside her. Myra hadn't noticed the others had stopped walking too, apparently also in need of a short break. Dude, Carlos' talking dog, was at his side, smelling at the pedestal of the weird statue. 
     "Sulking." Myra answered honestly. "He wants to explore, but now's not the time."
     Carlos let out a short, careful laugh. Just like the others, he had trouble estimating Myra. "There'll be time later." He said eventually, smiling at the girl. "If you want we could show you around the forests once we dealt with Audrey. There's this Enchanted Lake near the school..." He trailed off. His face turning worried. 
     Not knowing what had him troubled, Myra tried anyway. "That sounds nice..." Carlos didn't respond, still deep in thought. "Carlos, what's wrong?" 
     Carlos's head snapped back up, shooting Myra a quick, forced smile. "It's nothing- Just..." He took a deep breath. "Jane, my girlfriend. It's her birthday today and we were supposed to meet her at the Enchanted Lake. You know, to celebrate." Myra actually didn't know. Who celebrates birthdays? Didn't that happen years ago? Why celebrate now? It just seemed odd to her. But for the sake of the boy in front of her she didn't say anything about it and let him continue. "But she probably is asleep or turned to stone or worse and-"
     "Carlos." Myra interrupted him harsher than she ment to. "I'm sure Joan-"
     Myra shook her head, "Jane, of course. I'm sure Jane will be alright."
     "If she's cursed there's always-" Myra took a deep breath, not believing she was actually going to say this. "True loves kiss. Breaks every curse, right?" 
     It took some time for her words to sink in by Carlos. But eventually he started to nod his head. "Yeah. Of course. Yeah. That- That could work. I mean we've never- Anyway," Carlos stopped his own rambling before Myra could. "Thanks, Mee." This time his lips held a sincere smile as he looked at Myra. Which she tried to return. 
     There was a silence between the two while their attention got drawn to Gil and Jay. They were enthusiastically talking about traveling the world, rafting in jungle rivers and seeing penguins. This did get Myra to chuckle shortly. "They're actually getting along, who knew?"
     Carlos chuckled too. "Yeah, you'll be surprised who can get along when you don't have to be hostile. I mean, Jane used to be terrified of us and now we're dating." 
     "That does sound complicated." Myra commented.
     "That's nothing. When Mal and Ben started dating she had put him under a love spell."
     "What?" Myra exclaimed, a big smile on her face. This was something she was interested in hearing. "That's the Mal I knew. Why did she do it? It can't be because of a stupid crush, right?"
     "No." Carlos responded, a new smile on his lips as he looked down in slight shame. "Uh... Actually it was so she could get to Fairy Godmother's Wand when we first got here." 
     "Oh..." Myra thought about that for a moment. "Good for you guys that that didn't work out." There was a edge to those words. Myra didn't want to still be angry at them for leaving her on the Isle, and she wasn't angry necessarily, but it still stung a little. Knowing they had gotten so close. 
     "What you guys talking 'bout?" Harry asked, joining the two while leaning on Myra's shoulder with his elbow. 
     "Nothing." Myra answered. "Just how Mal and her gang spelled a prince to fall for her." 
     Harry also seemed to enjoy that news, his mouth widened with one of his killer grins. "Is that so?" Carlos rolled his eyes, clearly not feeling like dealing with Harry at the moment. Fortunately for him, he didn't have to. 
     "We gotta keep going, guys." Jay spoke up, ending their conversation. Myra was the first one to start walking again, making Harry lose his balance and fall over. He caught himself on the statue. This got him a laugh from the others. 
     "Come on, Harry! Try to keep up." Myra teased with a smirk, earning her another laugh from Jay. 
     They walked in silence for most part, except from the occasional shouts for Ben, but that barely did anything. This time Myra wasn't falling behind, instead she walked on Jay's right. There were several meters between them, but that didn't stop her from seeing him messing around with something around his neck. Myra recognized her ring within seconds. Guilt filled her as she saw the sad look on Jay's face while he looked at it. She didn't know what he was thinking, but it couldn't be any good if his face looked like that. 
     The moment Jay looked up, probably having felt her eyes on him, Myra evaded her gaze up as if she had been staring at the trees above him the whole time. 
     "Carlos!" Dude's voice called back from way ahead of the others.
     "Dude, what did you see?" Carlos called back
     "This way!" With Carlos up front, everyone ran after Dude. Past thick trees and down a slope. Myra shrieked when she almost lost her balance, which caused her to be the last one to arrive. 
     "Boy, something stinks." Dude said, who had turned to the group of humans and one rat. "And it wasn't me this time." 
     Myra was the first one to notice the blue and gold shooting out from behind two big trees. It wasn't human. Not entirely. It had the shape of a human and wore Auradon clothes, but it's face looked like a beast, fangs sticking out it's mouth; hair covered almost every visible part of it's body, claws instead of nails and a tail stuck out of it's pants. 
     When the creature noticed the group it let out a mighty roar, sending Dude screaming in fear as he ran away. Not giving the group any more time, the creature attacked. It lashed out with it's claw, it would have hit Gil if Carlos hadn't pulled him out of the way in time. The force of the creatures missed attacked made it loose it's balance and fall against a tree. But it quickly recovered and attacked Harry. Jay pushed Harry down, making the monster miss again; Harry shot back up and hit the creature in it's face. It fell to the ground, sliding a few feet back before it started to get back up.
     "Ben? " Carlos asked, recognizing the creature as their King and friend. "Did Audrey do this?"
     "Ben?" Myra said in disbelieve. "Wow, yeah. I can see the family resemblance now." Her remark got her a glare from Jay. 
     Letting out another mighty roar, Ben charged at the group. "Watch out!" Myra barely recognized his words before Jay grabbed a hold on her wrist, the force he used to pull her away got her to turn around before she was pressed against the boy's chest. They exchanged one look before their attention got drawn back to Auradon's King. He howled to the sky, showing his full length. 
     Myra pushed herself away from Jay, grabbing her flute. "Okay, you really pissed me off now." She spoke before placing her lips against the mouth piece. Her eyes were fully focust on the monstrous King as she started to play the soft melody. The one she always used with the combination of one specific command. Sleep. Her fingers danced over the flute as she could feel it's magic flow through her, stronger than it had ever been before. The white light that normally would be glowing softly now seemed to strengthen with every note. It didn't take long before the beast yawned and sunk to his knees; curled up against the closest tree, and fell asleep. 
     Having reached her goal, the girl stopped playing, a satisfied grin on her face. 
     "Who are you?" A female, panicking voice spoke from behind her. "What have you done?"
     Startled by the new voice, Myra turned around to see a girl standing there. She was around her own age, wearing a blue and white stripped, off shoulders dress that reached just above her knees. A pink ribbon tight around her waist. There was a bow in her long, dark hair that fell over her shoulders. In her hands she held a long tube, Myra didn't know what it was, but she was confident enough to bet it was some sort of weapon. Myra had seen the girl before, on the TV a few months back. 
     Myra wanted to answer the girl's question, but her eyes had fallen on something else, widening in shock. Ben wasn't the only one who had fallen asleep. Gil, Harry, Dude, Carlos and Jay were all lying on the ground. Fast asleep. 
     "I- Ow no..." Myra stammered, not knowing what to say. "I didn't mean for this to happen." 
     The dark haired girl pointed the tube at her threateningly. "Wake them up, now." She ordered in a loud voice. 
     "No, no, shuuuusss." Myra whispered, holding her hands up to show she ment no harm to the girl. "Please be quiet."
     "No! You cursed my friends! And you're going to wake them up, right now. Or I'll-" 
     "Calm down," Myra tried. "I didn't curse them. It was just a lullaby. You can wake them up like that." The blonde snapped her fingers, only the girl still looked at her with suspicion, not letting her weird weapon down. "Look, honey. I didn't mean to make them all fall asleep. Only Ben." She mentioned to the sleeping beast-man with a nod of her head. "He was attacking us." 
     "Myra..." Carlos groaned softly. But before she could respond, the girl rushed to his side. 
     "Carlos! Are you alright?" Once she had helped him sit up, his eyes really fell on her and they started to talk through each other. "You didn't show up-"
     "Oh, my gosh, I was so worried-"
     "-I got scared she got you too-"
     "-I didn't forget your party-"
     "I'm so glad you're all right." The two finished together before they hugged one another. 
     In the mean time, Myra had already wokken up Harry, who moved to wake Gil while the girl went to wake up Jay with a rough shake.
    "Let me guess, Jane?" Myra questioned while she helped Jay stand up. The boy yawned, shaking his head before answering. 
     "Yeah... What happened?" 
     Myra let go of Jay as she answered, waking up Lunch as well; who had fallen asleep inside her pocket. "I- I don't know. I only ment for our royal highness to take a nap, not you guys. The flute's magic must be more powerful outside the Isle. Harder to control..." 
     "You're from the Isle?" Jane asked, still one arm around Carlos' waist and one of his arms around her shoulders. 
     "Yep," Myra answered with a plopping p. Smiling at her rat, who had crawled back on her shoulder. Pressing his small, soft head against her cheek. "I'm Myra-"
     "Pied Piper's daughter." Jane said with a smile. "Your friends told me a lot about you." Myra didn't know how to respond to that and fortunately she didn't have to. Because Ben growled in his sleep, dragging everyone's attention back to him. 
     "What 'r we gonna do 'bout that?" Harry asked. 
     "Let me." Jane said, pointing the weird looking pipe at the King. She pushed on it's end and a spray of sparkly water shot out of it. The moment the water hit Ben he shot up, growling and trashing around him. Myra shot back, unconsciously forcing the guys behind her. 
     But there wasn't another attack. The beast started to turn back. The claws turned back to normal nails, hair and tail shrunk until it had fully disappeared- well- except for his facial hair, leaving a beard on the young man's skin. The only thing still remaining beside that were two fangs in his mouth. 
     Jay didn't waist any time to help his friend sit down on a log. "You good?" 
     "Yeah." Ben answered, laughing with Jay. "That was funky."
    "That was..." Jay started, not believing his friends words. "These..?" He changed subject, pointing out Ben's still remaining beard and fangs. 
     "Huh? Oh, wow." He felt his face and teeth, noticing the remains of his transformation. 
     "You need another blast." Jane said, pointing the water gun at the King and splashing his face again. Only it didn't do anything. "Huh... It's Enchanted Lake water. I guess it can only do so much." 
     Ben smiled, turning his attention to Myra, who stood in between Harry and Gil. "Myra, good to see you again." 
     Myra shot him a smirk, making a small courtesy. "Your Highness." She said. "Still being reckless, I see." Ben laughed, but that laugh melted away when he saw Lunch run down her over her hands. "And still afraid of rats." Myra scoffed, but it wasn't ment offensively and Ben knew that. 
    "Well, well, well." Harry started, his eyes pinned on Jane  as he slowly walked closer to her. "Harry Hook. And you, my little duckling are... ravishing." Ben and Jay exchanged a disgusted look while Myra rolled her eyes, pinching the bridge of her nose. 
    Jane seemed to enjoy the flattery a little, but Carlos wouldn't have it. "Okay," he started, placing his hands on her shoulders. "Ravishing and taken... just in case anyone was confused."
     Myra could see Harry was about to say something, but she stopped him. "Harry- just, drop it."
     Hook turned around, leaning with one arm against the tree Myra stood beside so he could lean over her. "Jealous, Love?" 
     "If that's what you like to believe, sure." Sarcasm dripped of Myra's words as she pushed Harry's arm down. 
     "Hold on." Ben spoke up. "Who's side are they on?" He asked, gesturing to Gil and Harry. 
     "We are on your side, for now." Myra answered, not liking that Ben had excluded her when he had mentioned her gang.
     Jay placed a hand on Ben's shoulder. "They escaped and joined us. And Mal has the Ember, which is our only hope to stop Audrey. Details to follow." With that, Jay clopped Ben's arm twice as if that had been enough information. Only it wasn't for the King. 
     "Hades' Ember? Has Mal gone back to the Isle?"
     "I said details to follow." Jay answered. "We're meeting up with Mal, Evie and Uma. Let's go."
     "Uma?" Ben exclaimed, worry and disbelieve mixed with slight panic. 
     "Details to follow!" Everyone shot back, not having enough patience to deal with Ben's questions right now.
     "All right." Ben said as he got roughly turned around and pushed ahead by Jay. Everyone followed, but Harry was last. He turned to Jay. 
     "Hey, Jay." He started, looking down at t he ground and clearing his throat. "... yeah, thanks for saving me, gorgeous face." Myra smiled, hearing the two talking. Maybe this could work. Once they had dealt with Audrey and she was back on the Isle with Hades and the other grown up Villains, there was a chance her friends could at least have a better life. In Auradon, save and sound with all the other VK's. 


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